A local school district in Oklahoma bans the display of the American flag and a massive tea-in-the-harbor moment ensues

A legless Vietnam veteran in a wheelchair waving Old Glory is a picture worth a thousand words, but even more so when you consider the context:

Eddie Beesley showed up to a local high school in Edmond, Oklahoma, along with hundreds of other Americans, to defiantly display the American flag after administrators told a student that he was not permitted to fly the banner from his truck; according to an Edmond Public Schools spokesperson via a report at Breitbart, “Students are not allowed to display or bring any kind of flag on campus to limit distraction and create a safe environment[.]”

How it started:

How it’s going:

And here:

And with what is this defiance met? Well, more tyranny:

Progressives hate America, which means they really do hate those who serve, and while they’re certainly shameless, they have yet to reach the fever pitch of the Sixties and Seventies and hurl the “Baby Killer” slurs right to our soldiers’ faces on a wide scale.

I mean, they’ll still disseminate the debunked “suckers and losers” lie, they’re clinging to Tim Walz’s brief and exaggerated military résumé as a point of merit, and they’ll denigrate President Trump’s appearance in Arlington, after an invite and at the behest of Gold Star families, as a “political stunt” for cheap points. They’re deeply anti-American, but they’re playing the part of a patriot.

This is exactly why you see them undermine American values, under the guise of being fair-handed—Old Glory isn’t being singled out, because students may not bring any flags to school!

But, the American flag is not just “any” old flag, and to lump it in with and equate its sacredness to Marxist banners à la soup du jour—BLM, ever-morphing Pride banners, Palestine—is gross and offensive. (State Superintendent Ryan Walters said the school district has “a history of prioritizing woke agendas over our history and freedoms” and his office would be investigating.)

I personally don’t display the Stars and Stripes outside my home, instead opting for a historical patriotic flag that’s more representative of America’s original foundation, and though Old Glory has certainly been perverted as it represents the United States of America and right now the United States of America isn’t looking so good, and regardless of the congressional war machine that obviously orchestrates conflict around the world for profit, it’s still the flag that those I love carry with them as they served, and still do, in combat.

It’s still the flag that Eddie Beesley fought under when he took a stand against communism, out of his sacred commitment to honor and duty, a fight which cost him his legs, and tens of thousands of others their lives.

It’s the flag that the Hong-Kongers waved as they too made a stand against communism, struggling for freedom and liberty.

It’s the flag held dear by those who jumped off the boats in Normandy only to be cut in half by machine gun fire, and by those who liberated Europe from oppression.

It’s the flag that triggers the progressive, Marxist left into hysterical fits of rage.

It’s the flag that draped over the coffins of the 13 soldiers killed during the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Sure, I despise the government it represents, but it’s still the American flag, and it deserves respect, just like every other American flag before it.

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Image: Free image, Pixabay license.

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