Where's the leader of the free world as Venezuelans cry out for democracy and fair elections?
Now that the streets of Caracas are in flames with cries of 'liberty' shouted and statues of Hugo Chavez are being toppled and dragged through the streets following a fraudulent election result, where's the leader of the free world?
Pretty well absent, actually, releasing mealy-mouthed statements through his surrogates of "concern" about Venezuela's election result, when it should be shouting "fraud" and demanding the dictator's ouster.
Here's Secretary of State Antony Blinken expressing his "concern" and calling for an extended investigation:
Portavoz Miller: Como dijo hoy el Secretario de Estado Blinken @SecBlinken, es fundamental que cada voto en Venezuela se cuente de manera justa y transparente. pic.twitter.com/OweiHaWutX
— USA en Español (@USAenEspanol) July 29, 2024
What drivel.
There were more of them, all touting the same "concern" line, perhaps to be followed by a "stern warning."
Millions turned out in Venezuela on Sunday to have their voices heard—but results released so far by the electoral authorities don't reflect the courage or the will of the people.
All votes must be counted fairly, transparently & publicly. The world is watching. pic.twitter.com/1hnJb3b8YS
— Samantha Power (@PowerUSAID) July 29, 2024
Yeah, and you're waiting for someone else to go first. The claim that Venezuelans were "courageous" for voting is faded Xerox material from the Bush wars in places like Afghanistan, it didn't take any courage to vote, what took courage was speaking out after the vote was stolen. As for the transparency claim, that is ridiculous, too. The Venezuelan opposition leaders and their supporters already saw what happened pretty transparently, they went from voting site to voting site to read the "actas" or voting tallies and saw that their side had won more than 70% of the vote. It was transparent all right, it was just nakedly stolen. Power's remarks are quite infuriating when you realize how little she knows.
We are concerned the partial results released by Venezuelan electoral authorities don’t reflect the people’s votes & call for the release of full, detailed results for transparency. We will hold judgement until then.The U.S. & int’l community are watching. https://t.co/1OlvsdrJsE
— Adrienne Watson (@NSC_Spox) July 29, 2024
Hold judgment? Nope, they've done that for years as election after election was stolen in that country. The time to act is now.
Similar drivel here:
Venezuelan voters showed up in huge numbers to express their will at the ballot box. It now falls on electoral authorities to ensure transparency & access for all political parties & civil society in the tabulation of votes & prompt publication of results. Credibility of the…
— Brian A. Nichols (@WHAAsstSecty) July 29, 2024
Then there's this word-salad by Kamala Harris, so inchoate it appears to be supporting the dictatorship. Maduro, after all, says his fraudly result is the will of the Venezuelan people. A tweet like this would be convenient for him to tout.
The United States stands with the people of Venezuela who expressed their voice in today’s historic presidential election. The will of the Venezuelan people must be respected. Despite the many challenges, we will continue to work toward a more democratic, prosperous, and secure…
— Vice President Kamala Harris (@VP) July 28, 2024
All of it is mealy-mouthed in the extreme, calling for "transparency" when what they should mean is "fraud."
Events happen fast in national barrio uprisings, which this is, and these people have all been caught flat-footed.
Not surprisingly, that puts the U.S. in this wretched lavender zone:
The countries in red accept the elections in Venezuela, the countries in blue reject them. The purple countries demand a recount. pic.twitter.com/RntzigILZO
— Maxwell A. Cameron (@MaxwellACameron) July 29, 2024
Hemming, hawing, chin-stroking, hoping the issue can be committeed away, sometime in the next 20 news cycles when no one will be paying attention. It's noteworthy that Maduro got into a verbal fight with Elon Musk who called the fraud what it was, not Biden. I wrote about that here.
Why the heck weren't we in the blue zone with the region's democracies? This is the United States of America, it ought to be easy to jawbone for the free world and offer at least verbal support to Venezuela's infuriated people. They didn't get that from the Bidenites.
As for the Venezuelans, it's always 'go back to campaigning and come see us again in six years when there's another fraudulent election to get stolen from you. Try again.' That's what they get from this sorry version of the U.S. and the West.
They've heard this for literally 20 years. The result is always the same -- the strengthening of the dictatorship.
And the lesson here for everyone is that when fraud is tolerated once, as it was when Jimmy Carter "certified" Venezuela's 2004 recall referendum, despite not knowing what went on "in the totalization room" as his report about it stated, it gets worse the next time. And worse, and worse, until it gets so naked, so clearly fraudulent, so outrageous, we have the breaking point we see here. Fraud in their faces. This sickening fraud tolerance from the West and everyone inside only leads to worse fraud, because totalitarian socialists don't leave power willingly.
Most of the lavender-zoners are in Europe and places quite far removed from Venezuela, so they can be excused as they don't have the area knowledge or the national interests at stake to advocate otherwise.
But the Biden administration cannot be excused for this mealy-mouthed talk. We are in a near-war with Vladimir Putin of Russia and nothing will undercut Putin like the "loss" of his Latin American satellite state Venezuela, with which he has a close arms and energy relationship. If the liberty forces win in Venezuela, Russia will be cut off at the knees. We thought Biden wanted Russia to lose and Ukraine to win.
What's more, Cuba and Nicaragua, two seriously problematic socialist hellholes, responsible for the border surge and support for global terrorism, stand to topple like dominos if Venezuela is lost to their malevolent socialist club. A chain reaction could happen with dictators going down across the hemisphere. So much for Biden's claims to favoring "democracy."
Lastly, if Maduro manages to hold onto power, who will get the mass flight of refugees that follows, all of them with credible asylum claims for defying a evil tyranny? That's right, they head here, we get a migrant wave unlike any we have seen. We know he wants one. But does he want the Fox News photos of it as they head on in? Maybe that won't work for Kamala Harris's election prospects.
But Biden never thinks about these things, he only reacts to events and in this case, doesn't know how to react. After all, he's an election-cheat himself with zero moral authority to complain about any other state's cheating.
But even as Joe Biden is hiding in his basement and his designated successor is spewing ignorant word-salad gobbledygook, some heroes with moral clarity from the region actually did appear.
This is what a real leader does -- President Javier Milei of Argentina, wasting no time after hearing this nakedly fraudulent election result, with this blast:
— Javier Milei (@JMilei) July 29, 2024
Los venezolanos eligieron terminar con la dictadura comunista de Nicolás Maduro. Los datos anuncian una victoria aplastante de la oposición y el mundo aguarda que reconozca la derrota luego de años de socialismo, miseria, decadencia y muerte.…
Venezuelans chose to end the communist dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro. The data announce a crushing victory for the opposition and the world is waiting for it to recognize defeat after years of socialism, misery, decadence and death. Argentina is not going to recognize another fraud, and hopes that the Armed Forces this time will defend democracy and the popular will. Freedom Advances in Latin America.
Which was exactly what was needed, the right response. That's how you treat street criminals, mafiosos, dirtbags, lowlife, who lie and cheat. They only understand the language of force and must be spoken to in direct language. What's more, he acted fast, which is all they respond to. He wasn't interested in the niceties of commissions and truth committees and extended investigation, which would only serve to entrench Maduro in power and at most make him promise to do better next time.
Milei delivered.
He released this one in, too, addressing and encouraging the Venezuelan voters:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) July 29, 2024
Milei sends a message to the Venezuelan National:
“Dictator Maduro has committed elector fraud. He has awakened the Venezuelan lions and sooner or later socialism is going to end. Socialism is always murderous. Courage, dear Venezuelans”
🇦🇷🇻🇪 pic.twitter.com/7p2YspPm6j
— Javier Milei (@JMileiElecto) July 29, 2024
And this:
Venezuela strong: “It is better to live in a risky liberty than a peaceful slavery. Long live f***ing freedom.”
— Milei SheIby (@TommyShelby_30) July 30, 2024
"Es preferible una libertad riesgosa a una esclavitud tranquila"
VIVA LA LIBERTAD CARAJO 🇦🇷🤝🏼🇻🇪pic.twitter.com/1FpEh2wCnK
For good measure, he eats Maduro’s insults for lunch – calling them “flattery.”
Los insultos del Dictador Maduro para mí son halagos. Casualmente repitiendo los mismos agravios de muchos “periodistas” bienpensantes de la Argentina cuya posición endeble permite que las atrocidades de Maduro sean legitimadas.
— Javier Milei (@JMilei) July 29, 2024
Ni él se cree la estafa electoral que festeja. La…
Maduro must have been taken aback given all the hemming and hawing he's heard in the past every time he's cheated at an election, and he should have been -- about a dozen Latin American states rapidly followed Milei and his lion's roar -- Peru, El Salvador, Panama, Guatemala, Uruguay, even Chile which has a left-leaning government.
Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License