The press gins itself up to hurl Kamala Harris's record down the memory hole
The press is in the sack for Kamala Harris, not just gushing over her candidacy, as if in relief that doddering Joe Biden is out of the picture, but going one worse by attempting to memory-hole all of the failures associated with the lightweight vice president taking his place on the Democrat ticket.
It's kind of disgusting. Elon Musk himself has noticed the matter, too.
Take Kamala's rating as the most far-left of senators, done by various groups that do such ratings. My Twitter search isn't working (wonder why) on this, but it's clear they're trying to erase that from the Internet, in a bid to clean up Kamala for voters, presenting the Berkeley, California native as a 'moderate' much as they did with Joe Biden himself in 2020. It's an easy fact that she was the most far-left member of the Senate, but now she's got an election to win for Democrats, so in come the censors.
Take also Kamala's status as a DEI hire by Joe Biden himself, who adamantly insisted he would pick a black woman as a running mate in the 2020 election, dismissing all other candidates from consideration. The Internet trolls have been very active on that one, attempting to brand as 'racist' anyone who brings it up. I thought they liked DEI.
They're also doing similar on Harris's outrageous history of sleeping her way to the top for political advantage, calling it "slut-shaming" when in fact, it's corruption, a power dynamic. When Kamala Harris "dated" California power-broker Willie Brown for a political sinecure, it was not her brains she was selling. But any bringing of that up brands the critic a "slut-shamer," which it hardly is.
The censorship is particularly strong with the characterization of Harris as "border czar." Sure enough, they're trying to scrub the web of any mention of it, though they seemed to enjoy the term when Harris was named to the job on March 24, 2021:
NEW: "Fact-Checker" @PolitiFact has issued a fact check stating the claim that Kamala Harris was the border czar is "Mostly False."
This is called propaganda.
Despite Harris being known as the "Border Czar," as previously reported by Axios, PolitiFact has decided they need to…
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) July 24, 2024
I agree with Jeff that it's a silly distinction, a buzzword, a talking point, semantics, all to deflect from the vast failure that followed.
“What's in a name? That which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet.” —Shakespeare
The media quibbling over whether Kamala was officially named “border czar” is ridiculous. She’s the border czar. And, per Holden’s epic thread, everyone has known it all along.— Jeff Gremillion (@JeffGremillion) July 25, 2024
I even avoided the term at the time, having read the White House transcript of the announcement of the matter, even as much of the press embraced the catchy characterization.
Here's what Joe Biden announced for her, from the White House site, emphasis mine:
In addition to that, there’s about five other major things she’s handling, but I’ve asked her, the VP, today — because she’s the most qualified person to do it — to lead our efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle and the countries that help — are going to need help in stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border.
And, you know, back when I was Vice President, I got a similar assignment, but one of the things we did was we made sure that we got a bipartisan agreement with Democrats and Republicans to provide over $700 million to the countries in the Northern Triangle to determine the best way to keep people from coming is keep them from wanting to leave.
The original announcement did indeed focus on the border and solving its surge, and did use the term "and" after Northern Triangle countries, meaning, other countries, but after five weeks of no action from Kamala as migrants surged in, the mission was eventually narrowed to just Mexico and Northern Triangle countries of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, which even then Harris had difficulty distinguishing, and didn't do much of anything on in any case, not even talking to the presidents of Honduras or El Salvador.
I later blasted Harris for being behind the curve on even the narrowed the parameters of her task, whatever it amounted to, given that illegal immigration was coming chiefly from countries beyond the Northern Triangle at this point. To get all metaphor-y, the horse was out of the barn in the places she was focusing on, the invasion had spread worldwide, and she was fighting the last war.
The big question, though, is why does the press care about this now, and as a group, not individually, stumbling all over themselves to correct the term 'border czar,' given that the characterization has been out there for three years with nobody concerned at the time?
Obviously, it's a campaign cleanup move and they are part of the public relations effort.
We are seeing it all over now. Only the fact that the Internet is forever is our defense, but who knows what these censorship-oriented people will do? The election interference seen by these powerful forces monitoring the press and online community has obviously been activated again this election cycle, and it stinks.
Image: PxHere // CC0 public domain