Jess Piper explains why Biden is only 3, not 30, points behind Trump

Many Republicans think that events on the Democrat side of the aisle practically ensure a Republican victory. What they’re missing is that it doesn’t matter what happens at the top of the ticket. That’s the icing. The cake is whether Marxism triumphs in America. Nothing more clearly shows this than a Missourian named Jess Piper.

Along with the rest of you, I’ve been enjoying the political show since June 27. It’s fun to watch Democrats engage in a fierce internecine battle over Joe’s remaining on the ballot.

The facts on the ground don’t help Joe. His three years in office have seen inflation destroy America’s wealth; crime and drugs stalk her streets, fueled in significant part by the millions of illegal aliens flowing across her border; DEI causing disaster everywhere it touches; violently anti-American, antisemitic protests despoiling college campuses and American streets; wars waged abroad; and our children morally corrupted and physically destroyed. These are not winning issues.

Image: X screen grab.

All this means that many Republicans are confident that Trump will win, something helped by the courage Trump showed after being shot and the beautiful, almost luminous, first 20 minutes of his acceptance speech at the RNC convention.

Republican confidence is misplaced. There are many pitfalls still ahead. The three-and-a-half months between now and the election are a lifetime in politics. We know there’s cheating ahead, and there will almost certainly be black swan events, although I sincerely hope none take anyone’s life. As Yogi Berra once said, “It ain’t over till it’s over.”

The most important factor is the American electorate. While the ostensible battle is about candidates, the real battle is about what voters think America should look like in four years.

Will it be a traditional constitutional, free-market, democratic republic with strong borders, the rule of law, a focus on the content of people’s character, not the color of their skin or their sexual lives, a reverence for individual liberty over big government, and most importantly, a central belief that America is a shining city on the hill—imperfect, perhaps, but still the best place on the planet?

Or will it be a geographic location with an all-powerful central government controlled by special interest groups fighting for political spoils, a socialist economic system, a two-tiered legal system that favors political insiders over their opponents, and a powerful hatred for the very ideas of American exceptionalism and a Constitution based upon individual liberty and small government?

It's those core issues, not Trump or Biden, that are really at stake here. That’s why, despite Biden’s barely sentient status and myriad other problems, the Real Clear Politics Poll average for July 20, three weeks after the debate, two weeks after the Democrat civil war truly began, and one week after the assassination attempt against Trump, still has Biden trailing by only 3 points. He should be polling around zero, but he’s up there at 44.7% to Trump’s 47.7%.

The reason for Biden’s continued success can be explained by one representative person: Jess Piper, the Executive Director of Blue Missouri, a Democrat political organization. According to her bio on the site:

Jess is a mother to five and grandmother to three and lives on a small farm on the Missouri/Iowa border.

She was born and raised in rural America. She received degrees in English and Teaching from the Univerity of Arkansas and was an American Literature teacher for 16 years. After the 2016 election of Trump, Jess became politically active.

On her TikTok page, where she has 264,000 followers, Piper expressed her shock and horror about Saturday’s events. However, she wasn’t shocked or horrified that someone tried to kill one of the two leading presidential candidates. Instead, what frightened her was that there was a doctor in that MAGA crowd. This doctor:

For Piper, this doctor’s mere existence is an affront to her worldview. He cannot be a lifesaver. Instead, he’s a misogynistic, racist, transphobic killer in the making. And please note that she can’t even say Comperatore’s name or even that he was murdered. Instead, Piper has a new verb for what happened: “unalived.”

In case you’re wondering, her original video got 151,200 TikTok views and over 10,000 likes. Until X got hold of it, when the ridicule began, the comments were supportive.

For people like Jess Piper, Biden could be an actual eggplant, and she’d still vote for him. And you know what? I get it.

My vision of America is the exact opposite of the one that Piper and her friends hold. I understand that Biden and Trump are both the tips of their respective ideological pyramids and I, too, would vote for an eggplant if it topped my constitutional ideological pyramid rather than her Marxist one.

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