Family buys historic fixer-upper in New Hampshire, only to have psychotic bums move into the woods behind them
Who knew that the “despotic inroads on the rights of property” referenced by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in their grotesque work of political ideology (The Communist Manifesto) against property owners would mean devaluation of said property through government policy?
The obvious implication was physical violence, as the authors describe “wresting” away capital and wealth, and taxation, as state-sponsored theft is a given for non-producing and envious failures like Marx, but as we’ve seen time and again, the left’s policies also rob from us by devaluing the properties in which we invest.
Here’s the latest example, out of New Hampshire, via a report by Amy Furr at Breitbart News:
‘Worst It’s Ever Been’: New Hampshire Family Plagued by Backyard Homeless Encampment
Robin Bach and her husband have worked hard to restore their 19th century Walker residence for their children, ages 8 and 11, to enjoy for years to come, the Concord Monitor reported Saturday.
However, there is an expanding homeless encampment in the woods on their property that has given them cause for concern because no one seems to know who is responsible for it.
Bach said her children are afraid to play outside and she has called the police 37 times since 2018 due to numerous issues, such as gunshots, linked to the camp.
One incident happened when a man on their property allegedly threatened to shoot her husband after he asked him to leave. In another instance, Bach heard screams of ‘get off me, get off me’ coming from nearby, and yet another incident happened when a dumpster fire erupted two doors down.
Bach said the situation is now the ‘worst it’s ever been,’ adding that she cannot use her backyard. ‘I would like my children to be independent and feel comfortable going outside and playing and they won’t,’ she noted.
Now, before you feel any sympathy with Bach, she sounds like a leftist to me, and I assume she voted for this; I call this just desserts. As Furr also relays to the reader, Bach thinks that homelessness is a “complicated issue” and these folks need (government) help—no, they need jail time and a government that doesn’t subsidize their poor lifestyle choices by stealing from hard-working Americans, like me and you.
But, for the sake of the argument, let’s say that Bach wants to sell her home, and move to a place where psychotic violent bums aren’t lurking in her treeline—who’s going to buy this place? After a quick internet search, it looks as though the Bach family dropped almost half a million dollars on this home when they purchased it; real estate websites estimate the value is now around $800k, but again, who would fork over that kind of money for a home that comes with a homeless encampment?
And, despite Bach making 37 calls to emergency services over the years, the (leftist) government won’t do anything about it.
This is exactly what “they” did with the south waterfront in Portland years ago, before “they” destroyed the rest of Portland too—wealthy people spent millions on luxury condos right along the water, with high-end boutiques and food services in the commercial space below…then in came the Section 8 housing. Predictably, property values plummeted.
Can we all agree that leftists can’t govern and at this point, they’ve forfeited any right to try?
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