‘Democracy’ means little to those who’ve made a god of government

Say it ain’t so! Joe is no mo’! At long last—a mere 107 days from the election—the Democrats have abandoned democracy and have concluded that their “party leaders” (Barack Obama’s words) will decide who will be their presidential candidate in 2024. It turns out the dastardly Democrat party is a dreadful steward of democracy. Of course, this should surprise no one.

The idea that democrats are the “defenders of democracy” is as much a charade as was the notion that Joe Biden is “far beyond cogent” and “better than he’s ever been.” This would all be hilarious if it weren’t so fraught with peril. Having Joe Biden dodder around the White House, stumble across the country, and wander-off throughout the world for three-and-a-half years has proved a disaster for the United States. Americans are quite lucky (blessed!) that things are not far worse in our nation.

Things will get worse if a more capable Democrat gets the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Because, again, it’s not Joe Biden’s lack of physical and mental acuity that have proved most disastrous for the U.S. His party’s policies are the biggest threat, and if a younger, more energetic, more enthusiastic Democrat replaces him and wins in November, we will spiral further and faster down the proverbial drain.

Joe Biden was simply the most electable tool for the democrats in 2020. He is no longer that, so “party leaders” decided he had to be replaced. As the past several years have well demonstrated, Joe Biden’s health was never a problem for his apologists. It’s not really a problem for them now either.

Make no mistake about it, if Joe Biden were looking like he were going to beat Donald Trump, the Democrats would be happy to continue with his sham of a presidential campaign. (They still plan to continue with his sham of a presidency!) Running cover for a dreadful debate is light work for those who belong to the “father of lies.” But, since Biden looked like a sure loser in November, and since keeping the power of the U.S presidency is paramount for the Democrat party, “party leaders” have decided their primary no longer matters.

Political power of any sort is vastly important to those who’ve made a god of government, and the pinnacle of political power in the world is the presidency of the United States. By and large, Democrats across the U.S. have put their hope and trust in the things of this world. Thus, efforts at achieving political power in this world is where so many Democrats focus their time, energy, and financial resources.

Donald Trump is a threat to this power, but efforts at removing him have proved fruitless. (Even for would-be assassins!) Therefore, Democrats turned towards attacking (politically) a weaker, more vulnerable man, and if “democracy” had to be sacrificed to make sure this attack succeeded, then so be it.

Trevor Grant Thomas
At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason.
Trevor is the author of the 
The Miracle and Magnificence of America

Image: YouTube video screen grab.

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