Crime is so bad in California, companies resort to hiring armed guards to escort delivery drivers

In Joe Biden’s America, Gavin Newsom’s California, and Nancy Pelosi’s congressional district, the Democrat doom loop politics continue to spiral out of control.

At this point, civilization has degraded so drastically in California under progressive Democrat control, the third world outside of the U.S. doesn’t look all that unlivable—at least in those corners of the world, where the streets are saturated with criminal gangs and mountains of trash, the cost of living is cheaper, and median rent isn’t nearly $3,000.

Here’s the story, from Tyler Durden at Zero Hedge:

Things have gotten so utopian in the state of California, delivery drivers are being accompanied by armed guards due to ‘crime concerns’ while out making deliveries.

One company, Core Mart, has started hiring the guards to escort its drivers. Which means that somewhere, in a board room, it likely made more financial sense to pay for all new security staff than it did to continue to allow drivers to get robbed (and inventory lost) as was happening prior.

Here’s a news clip, from NBC via X:

So how will this affect the consumer? Well obviously, it translates to higher prices for goods at the counter because naturally, the companies aren’t going to eat the cost of the guards, instead tacking it on the back-end.

If this is the “job creation” that Democrats promise, we don’t want it!

Of course, the solution is a political one, a total change-up of government officials, dumping the bought-out politicians and electing real citizens who believe in the Judeo-Christian morality and governance of the traditional West—this would foster an environment in which drivers arm and protect their hauls themselves, and violent criminals and theft are harshly prosecuted. We’ve all seen where being a hero or defending property with force gets you when progressive Democrats run things—just look at what’s happened to Daniel Penny in New York for one of the most egregious (and recent) examples.

Does anyone remember this video from a few years back?

It was a shocking video out of South Africa—but now, it’s what truckers in California can expect too! Thank a Democrat voter.

DonkeyHotey, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Flickr, unaltered.

Image: DonkeyHotey, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr, unaltered.

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