Biden-Harris regime announces a ban on single-use plastics in federal food service operations
No one really has any expectation that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris would respect the rule of law and American governance and go through the legislature to implement legislation, least of all them, so, by way of the diktat (executive order), these two dimwits recently announced their new “strategy” to “tackle plastic pollution,” which notably includes a federal ban on single-use plastics in federal operations. Here are the details, from the “Fact Sheet” posted by Biden-Harris White House:
Additionally, the Biden-Harris Administration is announcing a new goal to phase out federal procurement of single-use plastics from food service operations, events, and packaging by 2027, and from all federal operations by 2035.
If we think about what this might mean in terms of application, a new report from the Institute for Energy Research writes this:
It [the “strategy”] would cover outlets ranging from refreshment stands in federal parks to the massive feeding operations of the armed forces. The new goal would be met by selecting reusable, compostable, and highly recyclable products in lieu of single-use plastics in food service.
For context, food services in deployed locations across the world primarily (if not entirely) use single-use plastics, from the cutlery to the water bottles, from the styrofoam cups to the MREs; for further context, let’s look at some plastic facts.
Polypropylene is the type of plastic that is “widely employed in single-use” products, like beverage bottles, food containers, and all clear plastic bags. Now, this type of plastic generally costs between $0.55 and $0.80 per kilogram; biodegradable plastic on the other hand, or the “compostable” plastic being mandated by Biden and Harris? From Yahoo Finance:
The average price of biodegradable plastics ranges between USD 3.35 and USD 4.69 per kg, which is slightly costlier than that of other conventional polymers.
Best case scenario? A roughly 319% cost increase.
Worst case scenario? A roughly 753% cost increase.
What a weird coincidence! The government increasing our costs…again…never decreasing. What’re the odds, huh? (This is not professional advice, but stock in biodegradable plastic might be a good buy—perhaps just keep an eye on what Nancy Pelosi does next and follow her lead exactly.)
And, if those are the raw numbers, you can expect the government to amplify the costs and spend far more than what things actually run—don’t forget the $435 hammer, and $37 screw, and $4,361 for a half-inch pin.
Now, that Yahoo item is from 2022 which means the cost of plastic is now probably higher, given the further devaluation of the dollar and the ever-rising cost of oil with “green” sanctions.
What’s ironic though is that the U.S. is not even a leading polluter of single-use plastics, as the real culprits are the poor, still-developing third world nations with cultures and societies unconcerned and unburdened by the leftist narrative of progressive Democrats; they’re just trying to survive, and if that means they need to use single-use plastic to do so, then they’re going to use single-use plastic.
What a concept huh?
Lastly, here’s this little gem from the Biden-Harris announcement:
Today’s actions further leverage the purchasing power of the federal government to reduce emissions, protect public health, and spur markets for new sustainable products.
The “purchasing power of the federal government”? Excuse me? More accurately, this is our hard-earned money—stolen with threat of jail and violence—being used to push a global agenda of eco-fascism and eco-communism. How’s that for undemocratic, from the party that screams about democracy?
Image: Free image, Pixabay license.