WaPo panics over the idea that Sinclair media might allow anti-Biden ‘propaganda’ into its broadcasts

See also Andrea Widburg’s The White House lashes out frantically at those saying something is wrong with Biden

Leftwing outlets and pundits got a dose of their own medicine, and they’re not taking it well at all—it all stemmed from a piece by Annie Linskey and Siobhan Hughes that ran in The Wall Street Journal earlier this month, which reported that “behind closed doors” Cadaver Joe “shows signs of slipping” in his cognitive capacity.

At least, that’s the story according to personal interviews with “more than 45 people over several months,” both Democrats and Republicans, who either “participated in meetings with Biden” or were briefed on them after the fact—and anyone who has a brain, functioning eyesight, and the ability to hear. Biden’s “signs of slipping” aren’t just appearing behind closed doors, they’re in your face every time he’s seen or heard in public, and that’s not hyperbole.

Remember this?

The agent seen above, pointing like he’s an air marshal on the tarmac, at some point figured Biden could handle the task at hand (remain on the path and walk into the building) and took off around through the lawn so as not to appear like too much of a handler, but boy was he wrong—Biden blazed off that sidewalk almost the moment that agent turned his back.

How many times can a “president” be escorted away by caretakers before we admit he’s not all there? How many times does a “president” appear to soil his pants in public before we acknowledge what he’s doing? Slurring so badly he can’t be understood? Being described as too “elderly” to prosecute for his crimes? These aren’t indicators of wherewithal; even The New York Times published an article highlighting that a “majority” of Biden’s own “2020 voters” see him as too old and out of his mind.

But back to the WSJ article—after publication, the item spread across the country, with many local anchors and reporters affiliated with Sinclair Media addressing the allegations of mental decline, which sent leftwing “journalists” into a tizzy.

Alexandra Petri writing for The Washington Post titled her piece “Signs your Sinclair station is injecting propaganda into local news” while Hafiz Rashid at The New Republic suggested there was a “coordinated effort” between Sinclair broadcasters, and X “independent journalist” Aaron Rupar accused the media conglomerate of “deceptive attacks” against Biden:

Again, do these people realize we can see him? His senility is not exactly a secret.

Petri accused Sinclair of “injecting propaganda” into the public programming, but reporting on his mental decline is just plain old news—yet, she’s so saturated in her own delusion, I’m going to wager she actually can’t see the irony.

Did WaPo play a role in peddling the “very fine people” hoax, a lie which still persists? Oh you know it.

Has WaPo ever published pieces referring to Trump as a “fascist” on a mission to usher in an anti-democratic “dictatorship”? Yes, and please see the respective hyperlinks.

Did WaPo run editorials that said it was “okay” to compare Trump to Adolf Hitler? You betcha.

Did WaPo, against all fact and reason, refer to events of January 6th as an “insurrection”? Too many times to count.

Did WaPo have anything to do with giving “credibility” to the debunked Steele Dossier and did the outlet ever push the Russian collusion narrative? Yes, again.

That’s just the WaPo propaganda that comes to my mind!

Someone get these poor people some Valium.

Hat tip: Jack Hellner.

Image: YouTube video screen grab.

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