The 'shady, stagnant wealth' bankrolling Jihad funds more than campus protests
At Issues & Insights, Tom McArdle, my former colleague from the Investor's Business Daily editorial page, has written an excellent piece about the "shady, stagnant wealth" of those billionaires who are spending big dollars from their trust funds to bankroll pro-Hamas campus protests, explaining that it's not people who create things for the market who are financing all the dreams of Jihad, but useless, idle, "Leftist Lord Fauntleroys." He cites the Rockefellers, Pritzgers, Soroses, whose "juniors" fund secretive foundations that dish cash to pro-Hamas and other radical organizations.
Today’s Rockefellers are left-wing political activists who happen to be loaded, not entrepreneurs.
The great innovators of American economic history, whose inventions and drive to bring the fruits of their ingenuity to the masses have improved countless lives, fully deserve their financial rewards. It has never been a secret that many of the children and grandchildren to whom they left their wealth never inherited their forebears’ brains.
But now, beyond that, we find many in the succeeding generations actually financing forces advocating anti-semitism, terrorism, and racial genocide.
It makes sense that this type of character is involved.
What's disturbing is that evidence is emerging that they don't just shell out the cash here.
In Gaza, the Hamas terrorist who held three Israelis hostage in his home while presenting himself as a "journalist" for something called "Palestine Chronicle" (and who also contributed to Al Jazeera), certainly got his cash from one of these U.S.-based foundations.
According to the New York Post:
The Palestine Chronicle is a nonprofit organization based in Washington state that works to provide daily news to Gaza.
The outlet claims its team “consists of professional journalists and respected writers and authors who don’t speak on behalf of any political party or champion any specific political agenda.”
The organization confirmed Sunday that Aljamal was a contributor reporting on the ground in Gaza, but made no mention that he was holding three hostages.
The outlet did not immediately respond to The Post’s request for comment.
That doesn't mean the foundation was funding the actual terrorism. It doesn't even mean that they knew about this guy's membership in Hamas, though they should have. It doesn't mean they knew he was a terrorist. They were just paying him for his pro-Hamas propaganda pieces, being ones to like that kind of garbage. But that pay from them made him very wealthy by Gaza standards, wealthy enough to have lots of spare time to practice Jihad on the side and have a big apartment with which to hold hostages. We still haven't heard anything from the foundation disavowing this creep.
Lisa Birnbach, who wrote the original Preppy Handbook in 1980, and then a sequel to her book with Chip Kidd 30 years later, called True Prep: It's A Whole New Old World, Brooks Brothers Limited Edition, described the kind of idle rich who turn up in these foundations that bankroll guys like Aljamal.
In a sidebar on page 123 headlined "Why Not For Profits Are More Prep Than The Private Sector," she (it sounds like her) explained:
Any job that has a kind of mysterious benefactor is preppier than a job that has an obvious salary source.
Any job that has a vaguely helpful purpose is preppier than a job that is just about earning money. (Earning lots of money is fine but a little bit obvious and therefore embarrassing.)
Any job that helps people really far away (microfinancing in Africa, feeding children in Haiti, and so on) is incredibly prep.
You need to feel you are contributing to our nation's good, a la John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Thomas Jefferson, FDR, Jane Addams.
You are not doing it for the money.
Working in obscurity is prep. No one really knows what you do, which is perfect--your privacy is inact, as are your online Scrabble scores. Remember, in the best of situations, your kids have no idea what you do, beyond going to an office.
It means you are working for one of those earnest preppies who care so much about something arcane: You are preserving the musical rhythms of the Mayan people.
[Long list of other arcane projects follows.]
Whatever it is, no one can really check up on you because you go far away for long periods of time and cell phones don't work in the jungle, the brush, on the equator, at the South Pole, or wherever it is you go for three months at a time.
You can do this (whatever it is) forever.
Which is why we see so much cash flowing to Jihad and the promotion of Jew-hate, to the point of cash going to finance campus protests, and even bankroll terrorists' lifestyles abroad.
It's the idle rich making this possible, claiming they are "making a difference" and "saving the world" and other palaver.
Their cash not only goes to fund campus protests, it's spread out to indoctrinating schoolchildren, as AT contributor Barry Shaw notes today, and it's also going to pad the lifestyles of actual terrorists so they can do what they do.
It raises the question of how much of a hosing out needs to be done of this racketry and terrorist support once judgment day arrives on November 5.
Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License