Sweden accuses Iran of paying local street gangs to conduct anti-Semitic attacks
Where are these strange anti-Semitic attacks, such as that which happened at the Brooklyn Museum, coming from?
For all the evidence out there that foundations are doing the dirty work, which is perfectly real, an important story linked by Instapundit found that Sweden has accused Iran of paying off street gangs to conduct antisemitic attacks in that country.
According to the Associated Press, in a piece dated May 30:
COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — Sweden’s domestic security agency on Thursday accused Iran of using established criminal networks in Sweden as a proxy to target Israeli or Jewish interests in the Scandinavian country.
The accusations were raised at a news conference by Daniel Stenling, the head of the SAPO agency’s counterespionage unit, following a series of events earlier this year.
Stenling said, without offering specifics or evidence to back up his assertion, that the agency “can establish that criminal networks in Sweden are used as a proxy by Iran.”
“It is very much about planning and attempts to carry out attacks against Israeli and Jewish interests, goals and activities in Sweden,” he said and added that the agency sees “connections between criminal individuals in the criminal networks and individuals who are connected to the Iranian security services.”
Justice Minister Gunnar Strömmer and Hampus Nygårds, deputy head of the Swedish police’s National Operations Department, were also at the online news conference with Stenling.
“We see this connection between the Iranian intelligence services, the security services and precisely criminals in the criminal networks in Sweden,” Stenling said. “We see that connection and it also means that we need to work much more internationally to get to the crimes and be able to prevent them.”
Via Instapundit, this, too:
SÄPO confirms Iran uses Swedish gangs as proxies for carrying out attacks on Jewish/Israeli targets. The leader of Sweden’s largest gang (Rawa Majid/Foxtrot) was allegedly co-opted by IRGC after being arrested in Iran while on the run https://t.co/6afc4VtMpn
— Hugo Kaaman (@HKaaman) May 30, 2024
This amounts to an important lead for investigators in looking at who may have conducted the crazed red-paint attack on the Brooklyn Museum board members and director at their homes this past week, in a grotesque orgy of vandalism loaded with menacing threats.
As Ed Morrissey put it, it was so bad it was "proto-terrorism."
The video put out by the group that did it, something called "Palestine Action" was loaded with foul-mouthed gangsta rap, which, of course, is generally favored by gangsters, though there are other conossieurs of this crap out there, too.
Palestine Action posting film of themselves writing antisemitic graffiti on the houses of the Brooklyn Museum’s directors pic.twitter.com/Qj8TtvRhNF
— JamesHeartfield (@JamesHeartfield) June 14, 2024
Why the gangster patina to what is claimed otherwise to be a political protest? If it wasn't the work of gangs themselves, was it a dog whistle to gangs to join up? Antisemitism is well known to be rife in the gangsta rap community in the U.S., and has been since the days of Al Sharpton and his Freddy's Fashion Mart travesty.
Would it be that surprising that Iran, through its typical illegal drug channels, such as Hezb'allah, might have duplicated its act here in the states, too?
Terrorism expert Rachel Ehrenfeld once told me shortly after 9/11 that 'all terrorism is narcoterrorism,' meaning, all terrorists finance their activities through drug-dealing.
The reverse may be true, too -- standard-issue drug gangs may be uniquely useful as terrorists to state sponsors of terror.
The Swedes said that they made this discovery after one of their country's gang leaders was busted in Iran, and then easily flipped by the Revolutionary Guards to do Iran's bidding -- conducting antisemitic attacks.
If so, it's slimey stuff, with Iran conducting warfare on unarmed Jews in civilian settings, while not having the courage to do it in the open. But it's also the mullahs' style of operating in general.
It's also pretty alarming, as we have known for years that Hezb'allah has operated in the Western Hemisphere, through the bad offices of socialist hellholes such as Cuba and Venezuela. Up until now, the thought has been that they were here to eventually do terrorism, but now there's the possibility that they're already doing terrorism, through gangs, not wanting to get their mitts dirty.
With that possibility, it should be thoroughly investigated here. If the FBI is too busy hunting down rosary-sayers at abortion clinics, Latin Mass worshipers, and January 6 protestors, then it will have to be done by local police, such as the New York Police Department and through Congressional hearings. Whatever is going on here, Sweden has come up with a heckuva clue that may lead to who is conducting the antisemitic attacks suddenly roaring up through the United States with no justification nor grievance roots whatsoever.
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