San Francisco man gets ticket from city to clean up the mess the smash-and-grab robbers made of his shop
Leftists have always been loud and ostentatious about how they're all about compassion.
So residents of San Francisco, living in a blue city with few cops and little law enforcement, could probably be forgiven for thinking that as crime victims, they could count on at least some compassion after another round of violent crimes.
Don't be silly. In San Francisco, victims of major crimes get tickets.
That happened to this man, whose cigarette shop on Geary Boulevard and 17th was robbed so many times he couldn't get insurance for it any more.
Here's the first part of what happened, with thieves using a car to ram into the building multiple times, which had interior fencing reinforcement dating from earlier robberies, according to CBS News:
SAN FRANCISCO – A San Francisco business is considering calling it quits after it was ransacked for a fourth time.
Cigarettes Cheaper, a family-owned small business, has been operating in the Richmond District since 2003.
The stores has been broken into and ransacked on four different occasions, according to Bashir, the store's owner.
"It's like a broken record. It's been going on since 2020," Bashir said. "What are we supposed to do? All we're trying to do is feed our family, man."
Officers observed possible suspects entering cars and fleeing the scene, according to police. One of the cars hit a marked police vehicle while trying to drive away.
Officers found one of the cars unoccupied on the 300 block of 17th Ave. They also found a firearm and possible stolen merchandise.
However, no arrests were made.
Cops sat and watched, even as the creeps rammed one of their own cars, and somehow, nobody got arrested.
But they weren't the only ones. Some other johnnies-on-the-spot were code enforcers, who pounced immediately to issue the man this ticket for having damaged property in code enforcement violations. They gave him 30 days to repair it ... or else:
A San Francisco convenience market gets robbed and vandalized and the first thing the city does is serve the owners with a violation notice telling him he has 90 days to fix the damage
— Sacramento Insider (@sacinsidr) June 27, 2024
They ought to be writing that man a check for the damage based on their own failure to enforce robbery laws.
The man has paid taxes to the city for years, but suddenly finds that he's living in a kafka-esque world of him being the bad guy now. The penalty for the robbers is nothing, the penalty for him is code violation citations, and the order to repair his property almost immediately, whether he has money or not following that heist. With no insurance available to him, given that insurance companies have pulled out, he's going to have to shell out at full fare as if he didn't have other things to spend his money on just to get even. And that's assuming he has money -- after the fourth robbery, he might not.
It sure tells us a lot about the state of leftwingery.
The regulators who hit the robbed man with the code violation see the victim as prey. Law-abiding people are always their prime targets, which both bona fide criminals and state regulators agree on.
The man should get a check from the city and a tax holiday along with a guarantee that he won't have to pay any taxes at all until the criminal gang that targeted him repeatedly is safely behind bars. But that's too much to ask.
And yes, it's a San Francisco pattern. Back in the early 1990s, when I lived in San Francisco, my car got stolen with its fresh-cashed paycheck in the back seat. I got notified that the car was found in one of the local projects, minus the money ... and then told I would have to pay $346 to get my stolen car out of towing I didn't ask for and the car was not even parked illegally where they found it. I had to borrow for that immediately or no more car, they'd keep my car instead, effectively stealing it from the thief once the fine got higher and higher and higher as they awaited the extortion payment. I imagine they make a lot of money that way. They're still doing it with the shop owner.
Such is the compassion of San Francisco's ruling class. That's how they do things in far-left San Francisco.
At least the man has seen the light now, and knows it's time to pack up and go elsewhere. If it happens, it's another one leaving the city. So much for 'compassion.' This is what leftists mean by 'compassion.'
Image: Twitter video screen shot