Nurse Jill stumps for abortion in PA, rallies ‘dozens’ of barnyard sows
With Joe off at Camp David taking a whole seven days to prepare for a debate—Rep. Ronny Jackson speculates that doctors are experimenting with dosing—Nurse Jill had the day off from changing diapers so she took the opportunity to stump for baby murder in Pennsylvania, and according to a recent article at Life News, she rallied a crowd of “dozens” in a small venue at Millersville University:
🚨 BREAKING: @FLOTUS @DrBiden rocked the house at a packed rally in Lancaster, PA! 🎉 The crowd chanted "We want Jill!" before she even hit the stage.
— Chris D. Jackson (@ChrisDJackson) June 23, 2024
Pennsylvanians are all in for our amazing First Lady! She’s our secret weapon for November! 💪
(My faith in Democrats is at an all-time low, but if anyone is actually knocking up these females standing behind Jill, things are worse than I thought—one of the backdrop characters legitimately looks like a cross-dresser.)
Now, a number of mainstream outlets claimed the number of attendees was close to 200, which may or may not be true, but regardless, it looks like the “crowd” was manufactured using some crafty staging techniques, as audience members were apparently corralled into the middle of the venue (notice the stanchions) to give the appearance of standing-room-only:
PA ➡️ Yesterday Our FLOTUS Dr. Jill Biden spoke on Reproduction Healthcare at Millersville University
— Deb K (@MomMom2DJ) June 24, 2024
in Lancaster County.
I mean, look at it this way: Jill draws bigger crowds than Joe, the apparent president of the United States, and in a Democrat-dominated state with radical abortion policies, only 200 people (at best) were willing to spend their time and money to hear her speak? How many people who showed up were employees of the school with nothing better to do? I suspect probably most.
I mean, more people showed up in deepest blue San Francisco to welcome President Donald Trump to the city when he visited for a private fundraiser earlier this month—it was an unofficial rally, unaffiliated with his campaign, and consisted of private citizens simply getting together on their own time and dollar to express their support—local mainstream outlets put that number at a “few hundred.”
Laughably, Jill proclaimed this: “My husband, President Biden, has always been a champion for women.” I doubt Tara Reade would agree, or Ash Carter’s wife, or any little girl he’s ever sniffed and fondled while on camera. Or, playing the devil’s advocate, maybe when Jill suggests that Stinky Joe has championed “women” she’s in fact referring to perverted men playing dress-up in women’s clothing. (On a side note, I often wonder if the reason that Joe is so keen to force men into women’s facilities is because he has a vested interest in the men-showering-with-young-girls movement.)
The other day I came across an article that asserted that the “pro-birth” insult hurled at anti-abortion advocates isn’t quite the “insult abortion supporters want it to be” which is exactly right? But you know what invective does work as intended? Encouraging Democrats to pursue abortions, and applaud their decisions to do so—case in point:
I have a great conservative, brilliant, and very pro-life friend from Tucson who, when approached by leftists gathering signatures for any of the many pro-abortion initiatives for which they advocate, he always says, “Yes I’d love to sign, because I love when Democrats kill their own offspring, thus putting an end to the stupidity.”
Funny enough, when he says that, they refuse to let him actually sign.
Image: Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr, unaltered.