Negligent discharge! Gun goes off when gun-safety group gets tasked with firearms disposal after a collection event
I have a great idea—we should recruit a group of individuals who are unnaturally illiterate concerning firearms, but collectively possess an insatiable zeal for disarming responsible and law-abiding citizens, and task these clowns with destroying and disposing of a cache of guns which were surrendered by the domesticated sheeple begging to be slaughtered.
Just kidding, I’m not a Democrat, so I’d never propose, let alone facilitate, circumstances like these; yet, there are some who did exactly that. And, when the illiterate gun-grabbers got ahold of the guns, what do ya know, total irresponsibility and a negligent discharge!
Here are the details, from a report by David Herman and published at American Hunter on Wednesday, the “official journal” of the National Rifle Association:
Earlier this month, a group known as Humanium Metal was participating in a firearm disposal put on by the Maine Gun Safety Coalition. The group was tasked with destroying the guns that had been collected by the group and delivered to the local Old Orchard Beach police department. During the course of the process, traditional rules of gun safety were not respected and a muzzleloader was negligently discharged. Fortunately no people were hit or injured, though two cars were impacted by the shot.
Idiots—even worse when you hear exactly how they managed to fire off a round in an unsafe manner:
According to the Maine Wire, the incident happened when contractors working for the Main Gun Safety Coalition and the Old Orchard Beach Police Department attempted to saw a loaded black-powder firearm in half. It is speculated that the sparks or heat produced by the sawblade cutting through the barrel ignited the powder charge, resulting in the discharge. Humanium Metal specializes in the safe disposal and ‘transformation’ of firearms into other products.
This reads like a Wile. E Coyote skit.
A “gun safety” coalition just sawing into a firearm without even determining whether it’s loaded or not?! I mean seriously, how is this even real? I would say “you can’t make this stuff up” but this is exactly what I would expect from gun-control activists—there are three groups of people whose ignorance I would never underestimate, and this is one of them. (The other two are the pro-Palestine leftists and those who ran and got the Covid jab in exchange for a Big Mac or Krispy Kreme donut.)
Since this is a story out of Maine, I think it’s safe to assume that we’re talking about a hunting rifle and not a pirate blunderbuss, which may be a false premise for the forthcoming analysis, so without more details from the original story, I’m forced to speculate.
Odds are, these “gun safety” people didn’t even know that they were looking at a muzzleloader since these firearms just look like a typical rifle, so either, a) they’re the stupidest and most irresponsible people in the world when it comes to handling guns, or b) they didn’t even attempt to make sure the gun wasn’t loaded.
How do I know that? Well, a muzzleloader doesn’t have any easy way to inspect the chamber like a handgun when you pull the slide back, or a non-muzzleloader rifle when you pull the bolt back. The projectile (bullet) is pushed down into the gun from the end of the barrel using a ram rod, and can only be removed in two ways: firing the gun or pulling/pushing it back out. I also assume that this was either modern inline or a percussion muzzleloader, because if it had been a flintlock, the powder would have no doubt spilled from the tray during the process, and the black powder charge was in the gun, if sparks from the sawing process did in fact ignite everything.
And, if you have no idea what you’re looking at, like every gun-grabber I’ve ever known, it would be very easy to miss the percussion cap or the primer.
Remember this?
Furthermore, they sawed right into the barrel, no doubt making a short-barrel rifle without the proper licensing/taxation, background checks, and fees paid—that’s a serious felony.
As Herman said, there was a complete failure to follow any of the most basic rules when handling a firearm, and listed out the three set forth by the NRA:
Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.
Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
Always keep the gun unloaded until ready to use.
Herman then suggested adding a fourth, which was “don’t saw your gun in half.” Even better though, “don’t saw a loaded gun in half.”