Muslim migrants’ terror attack against a ‘gay haven’ mosque thwarted by authorities

Any collision between Islam pride and gay pride will have a victor, and it’s never going to be the effeminate men wearing prosthetic boobs and fairy wings, or the burka-less heifers with blue hair, so consider the following story a reminder of what the “religion of peace” brings to the world, but especially the queer world; from Oliver JJ Lane at Breitbart News:

A liberal, women-led Berlin mosque known as a haven for gay Muslims was a target for an Islamic State terror cell in Germany, prosecutors say as the group goes to court.

A group of seven immigrants arrested in 2023 across Germany and the Netherlands will soon see their day in court, and German prosecutors allege before their incarceration the men prepared to build bombs and researched targets including a liberal mosque, Jewish citizens, and a fair.

Okay, the “Jewish citizens” and the “fair” were a given because non-Muslims and crowds are always the first targets, but Muslims attacking a Muslim mosque? Whaaaa? How can this be?

Oh that’s right, because Islam and Western homosexuality don’t mix—men are apparently allowed to have sex with males, just as long as these males are prepubescent and dressed in little girl’s clothing (this practice is common throughout Afghanistan, and is known as bacha bazi).

I hate to beat a dead horse, but there are hordes of people who can’t seem to get this very evident reality through their apparently solid skulls; case in point, below.

By now, we’ve probably all seen the video of an exchange between the character known as Lady MAGA, and the sparkly leftist in the rainbow skirt, the latter of whom was very confused as she began to discuss her nonexistent understanding of the Middle East and the cultures thereof.

To get up to speed, watch below:



I mean, that level of ignorance is profound—she knows she’s anti-Jew and pro-Palestine, because that’s what MSNBC and her college professors said was the virtuous stance, but then doesn’t even know which is which? I began to try to organize her conflicting beliefs, but it was getting so utterly messy just trying to unravel her that I had to erase it all and leave it at this: these people are the definition of walking contradictions. It’s both hilarious and tragic, and entirely mystifying: how can a person make it into adulthood, and allegedly participate in a study abroad program to learn all about the Middle East, but then not have a firm grasp on one of the most established storylines in all of human history, which has been going on for at least 1,400 years, when Islam entered the picture. Seriously, where has this woman been?

Back to Berlin.

Not only were the suspected terrorists Muslim, but they’re Muslim migrants, all of whom came to Germany through…Ukraine. From Lane:

The men, who originated in Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan came to Germany from Ukraine as part of the refugee flow that immediately followed the Russian invasion in 2022. One of the group is alleged to have led an Islamic State terrorist cell in Kyiv, Ukraine, and some of the group are said to have already killed in Ukraine, including by beating. Members of the group have allegedly had contact with Islamic State figures elsewhere in the world who launched successful terror attacks, or who were arrested while in the planning phase.

(This is yet another reason why taking “Ukrainian” refugees should be off the table.)

Islam about domination, and not voluntary but involuntary submission—and if its adherents have to throw a bunch of gays off the roof, or go on stabbing sprees against peaceful people to get there, by golly that’s what they’re going to do.

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