Mayorkas insists blame for migrant crime is on the ‘individual’ committing the criminal act, not any open border policies
According to a report published at the New York Post yesterday, Alejandro Mayorkas recently held a press conference from a Border Patrol hangar in Tucson, Arizona, a briefing during which he made the claim that the alarming spate of disturbing beatings, rapes, and grisly murders at the hands of new illegals is definitely not a policy issue of any kind, but a matter of an individual’s choices. In Mayorkas’s words, “The individual who is responsible for a heinous criminal act is the criminal.”
Somehow, I don’t think the same “logic’ applies to our constitutionally-enumerated right to keep and bear arms—even though that’s not a great example because one instance is an enumerated protection in our most foundational document while the other is a criminal committing more crime, but nonetheless, let’s break it down.
The massive uptick in extremely distressing violent crimes, perpetrated by those “newcomers” as Joe Biden affectionately calls them, against American civilians, some of whom are children, is entirely a policy issue—Mayorkas is simply trying to weasel out of any culpability as he’s played a pivotal role in said policy. Yet, as Monica Showalter jested, “Why should he bother? He gets away with everything anyway.”
Here are more details about Mayorkas’s visit to Arizona:
His comment during a press conference…came in response to a question about 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray, who was brutalized and murdered in Houston, allegedly by two Venezuelan migrants who were released into the US earlier this year.
For context, this little girl was brutalized for two hours, bound by her feet, and eventually strangled; her back was covered in cuts, and prosecutors reportedly revealed that she fought back “with her dying breaths” having apparently left bite and scratch marks on one of her attackers.
But as Mayorkas would claim, these attackers, both of whom are illegal and crossed the border earlier this year, were “screened” and “vetted.” If he’s really going to cling to this notion that all these illegals pouring across are in fact “screened” and “vetted” then he’s making a bulletproof case for his removal, because under his direction migrant crime has proliferated so drastically, even the Normies and Democrats are raising concerns and pushing back against the zero-border policies of Mayorkas and his cadaver boss.
As it turns out though, terms like “screen” and “vet” are pretty loosely applied; also from the Post:
Border agents quickly responded with skepticism to Mayorkas’ claims that the DHS was sufficiently vetting anybody crossing the US border, saying his comments Wednesday show he’s living in ‘fairytale land.’
‘I don’t know what Mayorkas is smoking because it needs to be legalized,’ one Border Patrol source told The Post.
‘If by vetting he means fingerprinting and doing some half-a**ed background check that has access to almost nothing outside of the United States, then yeah it’s a great process.’
But lastly, if we were to concede to Mayorkas’s position, that criminal behavior is really only the fault of the criminal “individual” and if they’re an illegal criminal then their acts warrant “removal proceedings”—I infer he’s supportive of this solution as it’s exactly the point he made regarding Nungaray’s attackers, without any protest to said proceedings, then that means he just argued for immediate deportation of every single illegal currently present within American borders because, the moment they illegally stepped over our border, or overstayed a visa, or whatever else, they were de facto guilty of felonious behavior, because we do in fact have immigration laws on the books; they just haven’t been properly enforced for some time.
So, I agree Mr. Mayorkas, illegals committing crimes is on them, and the solution, as you proffered, is swift and decisive “removal” from our nation.
Image: Public domain.