Jill’s post-debate patronization reminds me of talking to my boys in their toddler phase
Any parent immediately recognized Joe Biden’s body language before a horde of reporters earlier this month as the toddler poop stance.
Parent: "Did you poop?"
— Liberty Pill Memes (@LibertyPillMeme) June 6, 2024
Toddler: pic.twitter.com/6PZZbp7ucV
We all knew exactly what he was doing, and for goodness’s sake Jill knew what he was doing, which is evidently why she put her head down and walked away; not only was his body language a dead giveaway to what was going on, but so was hers.
And as obvious as that moment was, so was another, from last night; any parent would recognize the tone and language Jill used post-debate last night to address her husband:
You cannot spin that. pic.twitter.com/epawAzPXcD
— Big Fish (@BigFish3000) June 28, 2024
This is exactly how I spoke to my boys in toddlerhood, and sometimes still do, when I wanted, or want to encourage them, whether or not what they’ve “accomplished” is actually impressive.
It’s either a) genuinely impressive (my youngest son at 5-years-old could look at an image and free-hand it) or b) it’s not impressive but I love them and want to build them up, or c) while the accomplishment alone is not impressive were it in a vacuum, it’s impressive for where they are in their mental development and capabilities.
“Oh my word, you are an incredible artist! Look at that! May I hang it on the fridge?” (It’s a stick figure.)
“Wait, you know what two plus two is? You’re so smart! How did I get a genius baby?!”
“Yay! You’re such a big boy going on the potty and not in your diaper!”
Jill sounds like a kindergarten teacher talking to a preschooler after he aced a “test” that had tasked the student with circling the triangle and pointing out the color red.
Of course for Joe Biden, in his severely diminished cognitive state (which wasn’t even notable before his senility) making it through the debate is a miracle—this is not a claim that he did well by any stretch of the imagination, but he didn’t drop dead, ergo, impressive.
They have Biden’s goal for the night written in the lower corner. pic.twitter.com/Cj4h3tuVl8
— Joe List (@JoeListComedy) June 28, 2024
Now, maybe some may disagree with this, and I find Jill to be a wretched woman guilty of elder abuse (which doesn’t bother me in the slightest because it’s just desserts), and she doesn’t actually love Joe, but in that post-debate moment, I believe there was some part of her that was truly “proud” of how Joe did, thinking he can actually pull this off and survive any coup attempts from their own. Sure, Joe was an absolute wreck, but he always is, and arguably, last night wasn’t one of his worst performances.
Allow me to explain it this way: There’s no doubt a battle going on in the upper echelons of the Democrat machine, and while they all share the same anti-American hatred, they all want the levers of power. M. Walter, writing for AT theorized about the coordinated mainstream media’s approach, many of which highlighted Biden’s “struggles.” Are “they” setting him up for replacement? I think so, though as AT’s J.R. Dunn explained, the Democrats have painted themselves into a corner, because they’re either stuck with the old geezer, or they have to blow up the party. Look at this:
— Cassandra MacDonald (@CassandraRules) June 28, 2024
Jill certainly doesn’t want Joe out of office, and I suspect it’s because she believes that as long as she’s there, the Bidens have de facto immunity from any criminal activity of which they may or may or may not be guilty. Yet, I also think Jill’s desires are wishful thinking, because I don’t think the Bidens have a lot of allies.
I myself never expected Biden to actually be the nominee, only because we conservatives couldn’t get that lucky—he’s the worst thing to ever happen to the Democrat party, and everybody knows it. At this point, I’m expecting 25th Amendment proceedings, or a swift (and strikingly convenient) succumbence to “pneumonia” (or something like it).
Joe is a dead man walking, in more ways than one.
Image from X.