Is the Supreme Court leaker back in action?

Is the Supreme Court leaker back in action?

He or she may be. Recall that when the Dobbs decision on abortion was leaked to the press to motivate Democrat voters ahead of an election, the leaker never did get caught. Prior to that, the Supreme Court had been as airtight in witholding news of rulings until it was time. Chief Justice John Roberts, who led one of the investigations, decided to let it go.

Now there seems to be another one, around Joe Biden's executive order giving amnesty to half a million illegals if they could find an American to marry.

Sean Davis thought something was going on:



According to NBC News four days ago:

President Joe Biden is taking executive action to protect undocumented spouses of American citizens — a move that would shield about 500,000 immigrants from deportation.

The White House announced the election-year policy Tuesday, framing it as “new action to keep families together.” NBC News reported last week that action protecting the spouses was likely to be announced soon, after urging from immigration advocates and Democratic lawmakers and as the president courts Latino voters in crucial battleground states.

The new policy would allow noncitizens who have been in the country for at least 10 years and are married to a U.S. citizen, and their children, to apply for permanent residence without leaving the country.

During a ceremony at the White House, Biden called the steps a "commonsense fix" to a system that is "cumbersome, risky and separates families."

What he may have really had in mind is this case, which the Supreme Court ruled against in a decision that came out today, in this Reuters report:

June 21 (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday said the constitutional rights of U.S. citizens are not violated when the government bars their non-citizen spouses from entering the country without explanation.
The court in a 6-3 decision, said Sandra Munoz, a U.S. citizen and civil rights lawyer, cannot challenge the U.S. Department of State's denial of her El Salvadoran husband's visa application after the agency waited three years to explain that it suspected him of being a gang member.
Munoz and her husband, who she married in 2010 and with whom she has a child, have been separated since 2015, according to court filings.
Visa denials are not reviewable in court unless the government violates an applicant's constitutional rights in the process.
The Supreme Court on Friday rejected Munoz's claim that the delay in explaining the denial violated her due process rights by interfering with her fundamental right to marry.

The problem, according to the Immigration Reform Law Institute is here:

"To hold for this couple would let those Americans who choose to marry dangerous aliens force their choice on the rest of us," Dale Wilcox, the group's executive director and general counsel, said in a statement.

What the plaintiff was arguing was that she had an absolute right to marry in an MS-13 member and bring him over to get him on a path to U.S. citizenship regardless of the rights of other Americans not to be victimized by him. If she had gotten her way, every thug in Central America would have his meal ticket to the states in the pipeline, particularly since they're in a position to pay women to "marry" them and it's very hard to prove that these "marriages" (and quickie divorces) are fraudulent.

But that was what Joe Biden wanted to be allowed to import in, as if there weren't already enough problems with terrorists, spies and criminals getting in through his open-border catch-and-release policies, as well as his accept-them-all CBPOne app.

He wanted it so badly he was apparently willing to issue an executive order to preempt their ruling, which if it survives court challenges, will render it null.

For that to happen, with such impeccable timing to the ruling, it almost certainly would have been the work of a leaker.

Biden himself has been big on interfering with other branches of government to get his way since the get-go. His fingerprints were all over the sudden spate of lawfare lawsuits against President Trump just days after he announced he would run for president in 2024, with White House operatives turning up in district attorney offices in New York and curious visits to the White House from local Georgia prosecutors among other things.

Now we learn he's out trying to throw nails into the path of the Supreme Court to ensure that the border stays open and open the pathway in to foreign criminals.

This underlines that if there is a leaker, and there probably is, it's imperative to catch him or her. The Court can't make decent decisions if none of the justices can trust one another. That this happened, twice, on Joe Biden's watch suggests a pretty nefarious racket inside the Supreme Court, whose leaks are unprecedented.

Chief Justice Roberts may finally get the message that the Court is no longer going to be able to act independently with this leaker in their midst and justices will not be able to trust one another either. That fundamentally corrupts the court.

Which is exactly Joe Biden's style of doing business.

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