Import the Caracas slums, become the Caracas slums: thanks, Joe Biden
Based on the narrative of the left, we're not supposed to notice anything new or negative about the unvetted foreigners rolling through on Joe Biden's open border plan.
Nothing to see here, move along.
There are those who give the flawed statistics about illegal immigrants commiting less crime than ordinary Americans, which must be very satisfying for the left to cite, given that the left believes America is a fundamentally flawed country. It's odd how many foreigners want to come to this fundamentally flawed country, but the left has never been able to answer that one.
There are others, such as the Associated Press, which makes matters easier for us, by not printing the immigration status of people caught up in ugly crimes against Americans. That way, see, we won't notice.
But it's getting increasingly hard to ignore the new waves of crimes coming about from recent illegal border crossers -- seems we are seeing a new grotesque crime every day, with women and children in the crosshairs almost like a slow motion Oct. 7.
The New York Post, which does notice the things the AP won't, has a list of three:
One of the illegal Venezuelan migrants accused of strangling and killing 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray in Texas cut the ankle monitor he was given at the border after the slaying, The Post can reveal.
Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21, and Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26, were both released into the US with GPS monitoring after illegally crossing the southern border into El Paso, Texas this year.
Rangel Martinez, who crossed the border on March 14, was released from the monitoring program on May 15 because he had no known criminal history and had complied with check-ins, sources said.
However, Panos Ramos, who crossed the border on May 28 — less than a month before the shocking murder — removed his ankle monitor two days after Nungaray’s body was found in a swampy creek in Houston on Monday, according to sources.
Last week, an Ecuadorian migrant allegedly raped a 13-year-old girl he bound and gagged in a Queens park.
The suspect, Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi, 25, crossed into Eagle Pass, Texas, in 2021 and was ordered removed by an immigration judge the next year — but never left, The Post previously revealed.
The man arrested this month and charged in the rape and murder of Maryland mom-of-five Rachel Morin is a migrant from El Salvador who crossed illegally into the US three times in two months, was booted, and then made it in undetected on his fourth try.
Heinous crimes, young female victims, most very young, and every last suspect an illegal migrant from Latin America's slums who didn't belong here, wasn't vetted, and got busy quickly preying on Americans once in. Just looking at the hard, soulless, faces of the monsters who murdered the 12-year-old and I can see the Caracas slums all over them. The kind of crime we see here is the kind of crime that we once associated with hellish places like Caracas until enough of the criminals left that city and the crime rate went down. They're now here, living their values and doing what they do back in Caracas.
The interesting thing about the Post's story is that it demonstrates well that every supposed safeguard against releasing criminals into the country from abroad fell apart.
One of the Venezuelans cut his ankle monitor, which was supposed to allow authorities to catch him. He did so after he commited his crime, not before. The other got his ankle monitor removed by authorities because he showed up to all his appointments and was thus declared safe for the public.
The Ecuadorian was ordered deported. Did anyone deport him? Like they were supposed to? Absolutely not. No deportation safeguards there, either, so the 13-year-old got raped. Biden and his lieutenant, Alejandro Mayorkas at the Department of Homeland Security like to say that "individuals" who don't belong here will be swiftly deported, but this is what they mean.
As for the Salvadoran, he simply crossed in undetected, because nobody's watching the border, not when Border Patrol agents are being reduced to turnstile operators "processing" people on a priority basis who can't be bothered to apply to come here legally. The Border Patrol's mission is to guard the border, but Biden has converted those agents to Walmart greeters, so that safeguard has failed, too, even as Biden's team calls the border 'secure.' Oh, and the victim of the Salvadoran illegal alien was reduced to being "an individual" by Mayorkas, too. Anything but an American person with a name and an identity who had a right to life.
Biden says illegal border crossers will be vetted, and they are not vetted. He says bad guys will be deported, but they are not deported. He puts ankle monitors on some, and that does nothing to prevent killers from killing Americans.
The real safeguard is to simply not let these people in. Whatever it takes, they should not be allowed in to steal our money, rape our women, and kill our children. Someone's got a real asylum case, they can do what real asylum seekers do, and take their first country of refuge.
But of course, that's not what's happening. Now Americans are starting to pay for this, to become victims, turning the U.S. into the Caracas slums and changing our culture from a high-trust society to a low-trust society where rule of law is gone and no one is ever safe.
That's what Joe Biden has brought to the U.S. by importing the worst of the worst and being unable to control what they do once in. Don't tell me these kinds of crimes happened with this frequency and this nightmarish barbarism before Joe Biden opened the border and pretty much invited them in.
It's not going to get better, because Biden doesn't think there's a problem at all.
Come November, he's got to go.
Image: Screen shot from KPRC video, via Twitter