Conservatives are beginning to tire of the LGBTQ+ radicals’ moral acceptability *UPDATED*
Beginning in the 1970s, gays argued that they’re just like us, only gay. In the ensuing decades, as the alphabet soup of non-standard sexualities grew from lesbian and gay to add bisexual, we were encouraged to accept same-sex marriage because they’re just like us. Once that goal was achieved, though, we got the T(ransgender) and the Q(uestioning), and then the “plus” stuff (intersex, asexual, two-spirit, pansexual, etc.), when we realized that they’re not just like us. No wonder a recent Gallup poll shows that conservatives are beginning to have enough of this nonsense.
I recognize the distinction between same-sex attraction, which is as old as human history, and the modern madness we’re seeing. There’s a big difference between people who happen to be gay but who define themselves by other values and those who are defined solely by their sexuality.
The former have tended to become conservative as they realize that a stable society, good economic policies, national security, etc., are more important than sexual orientation. The latter, by contrast, have become ever more extreme as they do anything they can to force society to accommodate their increasingly bizarre sexual behaviors. (Warning: I cannot keep the upcoming content entirely G-rated.)
Image by AI.
We’ve long understood that male homosexuality focuses on anal sex, which brings a host of health problems because it’s a vector for all sorts of sexually transmitted and other diseases. It’s also characterized by exceptional excess. Without the brakes that women impose (wanting emotional connections, having monthly periods, pregnancy, the fatigue of raising children, etc.), men will have sex until their bodies literally break down. (This post is an extremely graphic and heartbreaking description of unbridled modern male homosexuality.)
Still, if gay men kept it among themselves, so to speak, and with AIDS seemingly under control, we tolerant Americans accepted it. And, if lesbians and gays craved normalcy, why not let them have marriage? Surely, we thought, it would be a steadying influence on the LGB community.
Except, of course, that’s not what happened. Seemingly within minutes of the Obergefell decision, which was written like a romance novel to justify finding an imaginary constitutional right to same-sex marriage, the LGB crowd began to add transgenderism and the whole panoply of bizarre sexualities. At the same time, we were told that pedophiles are just normal “Minor Attracted People,” more to be pitied than censured.
We were also told that it’s never too early to ensure that our children know all about the seemingly endless (and still growing) list of sexual orientations and so-called “gender identities.” American classrooms bloomed with “gender unicorns,” gay pride flags, trans pride flags, and personal queries into 8-year-olds’ sexual proclivities. California is on the verge of ensuring that schools are prohibited from informing parents about their children’s sexual “journeys,” journeys often made under the “beneficient” guidance of a blue-haired, “they/them” teacher. And let’s not even get started on what happened to Disney.
Graphic pornographic books began to line school shelves, and graphic pornographic behavior appeared on streets at home and abroad (serious content warning for both links).
We’re also learning that even if full pedophilia (i.e., sex with children) isn’t normative amongst gays, ephebophilia (i.e., sex with adolescents) is. That’s been hinted at for a while, of course. In Eve Ensler’s massive hit play The Vagina Monologues, one of the characters describes her first lesbian interaction. In the original version, before it got cleaned up for the hip suburban soccer mom crowd, the narrator was 13 during that incident. Harvey Milk, a revered gay martyr with a Navy ship named after him, was an ephebophile.
Now, Chad Felix Greene, a gay, Jewish, conservative man, has gone public about the ephebophilia that is normative for gay men’s first sexual experiences. In other words, yes, gay men do groom teen boys (and no, I don’t know whether they’re targeting boys with obvious homosexual leanings or triggering homosexuality by making those first sexual experiences happen with men). Greene posted a very long thread, which you should read, but I’ll include here the first tweet in the thread:
Every man I had sex with when I was 14 knew I was 14 beforehand.
— Chad Felix Greene 🇮🇱 (@chadfelixg) June 23, 2024
LGBTQ culture has no socially imposed boundaries on it. They don't police themselves. They are too consumed with protecting their political causes and shaming rightwing bigots.
Teen sex work is the norm in LGBTQ…
LGBTQ culture has no socially imposed boundaries on it. They don't police themselves.
When gays were trying to escape discrimination, decent people supported them. Now, though, as acronym people, the ones whose lives and politics revolve around their genitals and sexual fetishes, get ever more aggressive, normal people are liking them less. At least, that’s the conclusion of a recent Gallup poll:
Sort of hard to believe it’s been that steep ... paging @ryanburge.
— Matthew Schmitz (@matthewschmitz) June 25, 2024
Matthew Schmitz may be surprised that the drop-off has been that steep. I’m not surprised at all. It turns out that when the wackos get the bit between their teeth, to know them is not to love them.
The lesbian and gay community must revert to being normal people who just happen to prefer same-sex partners and who recognize that this sexual choice means that marriage and children are denied them. Life, after all, is about choices, and no one can have it all. And all those other alphabet people need to go away. They are damaging themselves and society, and their proclivities need to hide once more in the quiet of their own homes rather than occupy the front and center of our political and cultural lives.
UPDATE: This essay about the new push to make respectable fetishes such as bestiality (the hitherto silent B in LGBTQ+) makes my point about people liking and respecting the alphabet people less the more they know about them. (Content warning because the linked essay is graphic.)
UPDATE II: And here are more stomach-churning examples of why Americans are losing their love for the alphabet people.