Biden begins seeding the ground with a new narrative: If Trump wins, the Chinese did it

With lawfare against President Trump backfiring on Democrats, it must be finally dawning on Joe Biden that he's losing the election.

First, there was his meaningless executive order bout clamping down on his open border.

Now Biden is "seeding the ground," as RealClearPolitics founder Tom Bevan put it, with a new narrative: that if Trump wins, the Chinese did it.



Ironies abound.

First, like everything else about Joe, it's old. It's a tactic they've used before, concocting the story that Trump was a Russia agent through the Steele dossier, a phony collection of tales paid for by Democrats and spread around in the press, to promote the idea that Russia conspired with Trump to steal the election from Hillary Clinton. They also made the same claims using spam from Russia's Alfa Bank found on Trump's (and millions of other people's) computers. They used Russia collusion to separate Trump from his trusted advisor, Michael Flynn, to discredit Hunter Biden's laptop contents, trotting out intelligence officials, and indirectly, to impeach Trump through Ukraine.

The idea is still around, and this time it has a new battery with China in the bad guy's seat.

That tells us their playbook of dirty tricks is old and they haven't come up with any new ones for this desperate election.

The thing is, the Russia collusion hoaxes are now very well known. To try the same deceptive tactics when everyone knows what your game is is, to say the least, not very effective. It's pathetic, actually.

It's also pretty insulting to the voters. What voters want has nothing to do with Trump's success, according to this narrative, which is Democrat self-deception in the extreme. Voters, as Kellyanne Conway put it, feel "invisible" and this is what 'invisible' looks like.

Here's another irony: Biden himself has been accused of influence peddling and taking bribes from China. His weak response on the Chinese balloon spying incident certainly brought that to voters' minds. But there were the diamonds Hunter Biden's laptop said he took as "payment," there was Hunter's partnership with a Chinese businessman closely linked to the state, there was Hunter's excited note about dealing with the head of Chinese intelligence, there were huge payments, one of which seems to have been shaken down via text message from Hunter with Joe in the room. Favors delivered, pay up or else.

Joe Biden is nothing if not China'd up given the deep pockets of Beijing. It shows that Democrats like Biden always accuse their opposition of what they themselves are already doing.

It's disgusting. Now Joe is seeding the ground with the narrative that somehow Trump is in bed with China on the line that all the world's bad actors have indicated through classified intelligence briefings, which are uncheckable since only Joe gets them, they want Trump to win.

Any dictator worth his salt does not want Trump to win. Putin himself has said he prefers Biden.This is nothing but tired old tactics that everyone is already onto from the wretched Democrat playbook. It won't work because we've seen this movie before -- over and over and over and over again. You can only go to that well once, Plagiary Joe.

Photo illustration by Monica Showalter with use of images from Gage Skidmore, via Flickr // CC BY-SA 2.0, Acaben, via Wikimedia Commons // CC BY-SA 2.0, PxFuel public domain, and SKopp via Wikimedia Commons // public domain

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