25-year-old Muslim man with 10-year-old fiancée talks benefits of marrying a child

Fair warning, because this video of a 25-year-old Muslim man explaining the benefits of marrying a prepubescent child is both stomach-churning and heart-shattering:

(The full episode can be found here.)

They’re “relatives of sorts” so there will be no need to alternate the holidays between families.

Because there’s no room for disagreement when a domineering Muslim male is given charge of a little girl, they’re “in agreement regarding everything” and there will be no arguing. Domestic life will be harmonious!

Early betrothal gives him the opportunity to be involved in grooming, er, I mean “raising” her, which will make her a better wife.

There will be no concern that she may leave (no matter how abusive), because her education stopped in the third grade and she literally will not be able to survive without him—an intact “family” for the win!

Wooing a sexually mature woman his age is just so much more work, because she no doubt would have certain expectations of a courtship or husband that a child does not; he gets the “wife” with none of the normal investment and self-discipline. I mean, this is just “smart” right? Putting in as little effort for maximum gain?

(And “they” still like to pretend that Christianity is the repressive, backward, and abusive faith.)

This is the disturbing culture that’s coming to the West via mass migration, which is awful, but it gets worse; it’s the disturbing legal system that’s coming to the West. The video below isn’t from Yemen, Iraq, or Iran…but England:



If you ever needed the specifics on how to stone a woman, like making sure you dig the hole deep enough to keep her modestly covered as you pummel her to death with rocks, you can count on a supporter of Sharia law to provide you with the answer.

How about this side of the pond? We have hordes of “Americans” protesting for the imposition of Sharia law in ostensibly American jurisdictions—just take a look at Minnesota-turned-Somalia, or Hamtramck, Michigan, the latter of which now allows for animal sacrifice at home after an all-Muslim government voted to legalize the practice for one of the Islamic feasts. Here’s this, from Detroit Free Press:

‘If somebody wants to do it, they have a right to do their practice,’ Councilman and Mayor Pro Tem Mohammed Hassan said at the meeting….

He was talking about slaughtering animals at home, but how long until they’re saying the same for child marriage?

This is what you get when a “religion” comes from a man who promotes the practice of bedding children; child marriage is a plague, and a massive contributor to the immorality we see across Muslim-dominated societies and cultures. Where are the defenders of social justice? Oh that’s right, they’re too busy promoting pedophilia, shoving it down our throats under the “love is love” banner. If there’s nothing wrong about a man having a sexual relationship with a man, then what’s wrong with a man having a sexual relationship with a child? “Love knows no boundaries” as they like to say!

Islam is not a religion but a perverse political ideology, one which deceitfully uses “faith” as a cover.

Image from X video

Image from X.

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