Two scorpions in a bottle: Rep. Eric Swalwell scraps with Oakland's Soros D.A. Pamela Price
Far-left Rep. Eric Swalwell seems to see some kind of writing on the wall.
He started a fight with Oakland's unpopular Soros-backed district attorney, Pamela Price.
According to the San Francisco Chronicle:
An online feud has erupted between two East Bay Democrats, Rep. Eric Swalwell and Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price. Swalwell criticized the embattled prosecutor as “soft on crime,” and Price implied in a retort that his remarks were racist.
The battle comes at a time when Price is politically vulnerable and could use all the help she can muster, particularly from an East Bay House member like Swalwell who regularly appears on national media. The Alameda County Board of Supervisors is set to decide Tuesday when to schedule a recall election for Price.
Swalwell hasn’t officially endorsed recalling Price, according to the recall campaign, but his online criticism is highlighting how Democrats, even in deep blue Alameda County, are divided over the controversial prosecutor.
Tweet less. Prosecute more.
— Eric Swalwell (@ericswalwell) May 14, 2024
He'll probably endorse her as the Democrat machine commands, but at that point, no one will be paying attention. The damage is done.
Obviously, Swalwell is reading some kind of bad wind blowing ever since Oakland went to hell based on Price's failure to prosecute criminals and the city itself being led by a very unpopular wokester mayor, Sheng Thao, who remains clueless about any problems in her city. The Chronicle reports that Price is so unpopular she's now up for a recall.
It's not hard to see why.
The San Francisco Chronicle reports that crime is soaring (and they have good charts at the link):
Overall, reported crimes in Oakland rose 18% in 2023 compared to 2022, with violent crime up 21% and property crime up 17%.
If you lived there, you'd feel that difference and that's just reported crime; with not enough cops to answer calls, many don't bother reporting crimes anymore.
As a result, the city lost 3.2% of its population in the last year, while homelessness has risen 9%.
Sound like a well-managed city?
Actually, it's one of these, according to Wikipedia:
According to the California Secretary of State, as of February 10, 2019, Oakland has 245,111 registered voters. Of those, 159,771 (65.2%) are registered Democrats, 9,544 (3.9%) are registered Republicans, and 65,416 (26.7%) have declined to state a political party.[185] Oakland is widely regarded as being one of the most liberal major cities in the nation. The Cook Partisan Voting Index of Congressional District 12, which includes Oakland and Berkeley, is D+40, making it the most Democratic congressional district in California and the fourth most Democratic district in the US.[186]
Rather than reassessing the situation and recognizing that it's usually a small group of habitual criminals who are creating the biggest plagues on society and going after them, Price claims that Swalwell's complaint about her is racist. Get a load of her "logic" as the Chronicle reported:
“Since when did Rep. Swalwell start blaming the Alameda County DA for mail carrier robberies in the East Bay? When Alameda County residents historically elected the first Black woman as District Attorney, that’s when!” posted an account run by Price’s campaign team Monday.
The account posted links to stories about mail carriers being attacked during O’Malley’s tenure.
“As you can see from these links to news stories dating back to 2019, Rep. Swalwell did not blame the previous DA for mail carriers being robbed in the East Bay,” Price’s campaign team wrote. “These news reports clearly indicate that crimes against postal workers in the East Bay are a long-standing problem that predates the current DA. So, I guess that makes the previous DA ‘soft-on-crime,’ too, but for some reason, you never attacked her politically for it.”
See, he's only attacking her because she's a "historic first," not because she's a lousy district attorney. If she's a "historic first" she couldn't possibly be a bad D.A., which is utter nonsense.
Swalwell at that point told her to tweet less and prosecute more.
But that doesn't excuse Swalwell, who's been silent about this incompetence for years and supported Price otherwise even as the city fell apart on Price's watch.
Seems that Swalwell is reading the writing on the wall about Price being a goner at this point, now that the recall is chugging ahead, and knows very well what happened when Chesa Boudin got his recall on the ballot in nearby San Francisco. He doesn't want to be on the losing side.
Which suggests he reads political reality better than Price does, but not because he cares about what's happening, but because he's a political opportunist who seeks to steer clear of the excesses of Soros-backed district attorneys. Now that Price is turning on the spit, Swalwell is pretending he was always against her formula for Oakland.
What a nasty mess, except that for Republicans, it's nice to see these leftists eating their own now. That's what happens when you run a one-party state, and all it does is open a few political doors for breaking that hammerlock and getting some actual diversity of opinions in that city. Let's hope this shoutathon continues and more blue cities fall into this kind of blue-on-blue warfare.
Image: Twitter screen shot