Trump trial draws a crowd of high-profile GOPers in business attire, but Rachel Maddow calls them groupies who want to ‘dress like him’

Wearing a suit and tie to court is now Donald Trump sycophantry? Okay….

That’s what Rachel Maddow seems to think, evidenced by her scoffing mockery directed toward a group of high-profile GOP politicians who were in New York and present at Trump’s “hush money” trial because to Maddow, these guys looked like little “Rockettes” in a chorus line, and are such MAGA groupies, they even now “dress like” the former president too.

Here’s the clip, via X:



I mean unless Maddow knows something I don’t, it’s plausible that their dark suits and maroon- and red-toned ties were coincidence—non-flashy professional men’s business attire doesn’t afford a lot of variety, a fact which Maddow should know given the fact that she’s worn the same black masculine suitcoat day in and day out for years—but nonetheless, I can see why she thinks this was intentional, because it does look like a show of solidarity (at least ostensibly, considering who’s in this cast of characters). And, what’s more convincing is that Mike Johnson, the only one to break from the trend of solid-colors, wore a maroon and blue striped tie, perhaps paying homage to his commitment to the Democrat party and its agenda.

The greatest reaction to Maddow’s rambling came from the comments though.

One person found a picture of Joe Biden in a dark suit and maroon tie:



Another dug up the image of the geriatric Democrats taking a knee while donning the “Kente cloth” scarves traditionally worn by the affluent slave traders of West Africa:



And of course, someone tracked down that time all the Democrat women wore white, a solidarity protest against Donald Trump and his political position that babies shouldn’t be indiscriminately slaughtered in the womb:



But what’s funny is that there is a lot of sycophantry surrounding Trump, and Maddow could have taken the opportunity to expose the real slimeballs that grift in the MAGA movement, and actually done true conservatives, like myself, a massive favor—but honest journalism would be too much to ask for from an MSDNC pundit, right?

Image: Free image, Pixabay license.

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