The condolences about Ebrahim Raisi’s death help identify the world’s bad guys

It’s been confirmed that Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi died in a helicopter crash yesterday. Since then, individuals, nations, and international organizations are having their say about his death. The most telling ones are those who express condolences to the Iranian people for their “loss.” Nothing more clearly exposes the chasm between morally good and completely evil in today’s world than these messages.

To appreciate the different ways people are responding to Raisi’s death, you need to understand what an evil man he was. In 1988, after the Iran-Iraq war ended, the mullahs turned their attention to slaughtering their own people. Raisi, who was at the center of the crackdown, earned himself the sobriquet of “the Butcher of Tehran,” for acting as a judge who cheerfully signed off on the mass execution of between 5,000 and 8,000 Iranians:

...Farhad Rezaei, a senior fellow at the Philos Project, wrote in Newsweek in 2022 that Raisi was directly implicated in executing close to 8,000 political prisoners who had already served non-capital sentences. In the piece, he quoted international lawyer Geoffrey Robertson, who investigated the massacre, and found it to be “the second-worst violation of prisoners’ rights since the end of World War II, superseded only by the mass killing in Srebrenica, Bosnia, and Herzegovina”.

During his three-year tenure as president, Raisi continued to execute his fellow Iranians, along with re-empowering the “morality” police’s war against women.

He was an exceedingly evil man, which makes sense because Iran’s government is exceedingly evil. It foments much of the terrorism in the world today. Since 1979, it has dedicated itself to destroying America (“the Great Satan”) and Israel (“the Little Satan”). Since Obama entered the White House, the Democrat party has supported Iran’s government.

Despite living in a deadly police state, Iranians did their best to celebrate Raisi’s death:

You can practically hear “Ding, dong, the witch is dead” as the background soundtrack. No wonder the IRGC is stepping in:

Many world nations, institutions, and individuals, however, love totalitarianism, especially when it’s allied with genocidal antisemitism and anti-Americanism. They mourned along with the mullahs:

Weirdly (a term I use cynically and sarcastically), these are all the same people, organizations, and nations that applaud calling Israel a “war criminal” in its existential battle against the exterminationist Hamas.

Still, there are some good guys. The Netherlands’s new leader, Geert Wilders, was also having nothing to do with this moral farce:

Indeed, among Europeans, that hashtag “#notinmyname” is trending, and that’s heartening. In an evil world, people are still good:

So far, the Biden administration has been silent about Raisi’s death, just as it’s been silent about the ICC’s decision to indict Israel for war crimes. That silence bespeaks enormous moral cowardice, at best.

I’ll say this until I’m blue in the face: The world’s crises (and there are many) are exposing good and evil, wise and foolish, weak and strong. Biden is evil, foolish, and weak.

If you want America to collapse and the world to go with it, vote for him or for RFK, Jr. (a hardcore leftist). However, if you want any hope of turning this madness around, vote for a straight Republican ticket, starting with Donald Trump. He may be imperfect as a man, but as a leader, his moral compass mostly points true North.

Image by AI.

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