Pro-Palestine CEO tells college rioters that ‘Moral courage > College degree’ and invites them to apply for jobs

Can we just start gloating now? I know the Bible tells us not to, and why (Proverbs 24:17–18), but watching anti-American progressive Democrats unintentionally self-cannibalize anywhere and everywhere because of their stupid ideas and policies makes it so hard not to….

And no doubt, CEO of telehealth company “Hims” Andrew Dudum will be a casualty soon enough; on Wednesday morning, he tweeted out this:

Let’s just recap what these “morally courageous” people have been up to, to get a rough idea of their capabilities and priorities, which are certainly important factors a prospective employee brings to a professional environment…right?

They’re pooping in tents, which were “out of order” almost immediately:

Instead of using a plumbed indoor bathroom or ordering an outhouse—because naturally why would you take a dump where you can flush it when you can squat in a sweaty tent over a bucket that’s been used countless times already—like the animals they are, some introduced kitty litter:

Bike helmets, “shields” made from old Rubbermaids they must have swiped from the school cafeteria, and respirators (because Covid-19 still has them almost paralyzed in fear) make for reasonable “riot” gear:

(I can’t really picture these people being sacrificial, dedicated, and driven employees.)

At best, these morally courageous job candidates are…literally bums…and Dudum literally just invited them to work for his company. I really hope he’s a man of his word (which I seriously doubt) and actually hires these freaks, because it would be a quick death, and I’d enjoy the theater of it all. They’re communists for crying out loud, and since when do communists work?? Um, spoiler alert, never. They want everything we have, except our jobs. (Don’t forget, Marx was so repulsed by work that he actually went around pantsless in his house for an absurd length of time because he sold them to buy food; his mother also mocked him for only writing about “capital” instead of actually making it.)

They’ll demand six-figure salaries, but then protest work because a 9–5 is rooted in white supremacy and patriarchy, and “Hims” is  misogynistic while “Hims & Hers” is binary and non-inclusive, before they’re triggered by microaggressions and file lawsuits.

These are the never-spanked-everyone-gets-a-trophy generation, and they’re used to getting their way through emotional (and real) terrorism and pitching fits—if they’re doing this to their own schools, what’s stopping them from doing it at their own workplaces? (Dudum needs to revisit Aesop’s tale about the scorpion and the frog.)

This is not moral courage, it’s a bad case of spoiled-rotten and entitled useful idiots.

Moral courage is what Marc Bloch displayed as he held the hands of a teenaged-boy in an empty field as Gestapo officers aimed and fired.

Moral courage is what we saw as American men jumped off the boats on the beaches of Normandy to face German machine guns.

Moral courage is what we saw from the lone man standing in front of the tanks in Tiananmen Square.

Moral courage is what we saw when first responders ran into the towers on 9/11.

Obviously, exhaustively listing instances of moral courage could never be done in a lifetime—but the rioting anti-Jew heathens would never make that list. Moral courage is exactly what progressive leftists don’t have.

Now, Hims is a public company, and over the past month Hims stock value has already declined a little over 20%, and I suspect Dudum’s invitation may force a Bud Light treatment—so if you’re an investor, get out while you can.

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Image: Free image, Pixabay license.

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