Nobody likes Gavin Newsom, not even his fellow Democrat governors, Sununu says

It's always hilarious when the truth everyone already suspects gets out, and New Hampshire's RINO governor, Chris Sununu, couldn't keep from telling it.

According to PJMedia's Stephen Green, Sununu spoke to Republicans at a Reagan Institute event, saying:

"Almost all the governors get along," [Sununu] continued. "In my eight years [as governor] I can honestly tell you there's only been two, maybe a third, but two real governors that really nobody likes, nobody cares for at all."

"Would you say who they are?" the interviewer asked. 

"Do you really want me to? Yeah! [New York Gov.] Andrew Cuomo," Sununu said with a knowing shake of his head, "complete jacka**. No one likes him."

But Cuomo is a disgraced former governor. C'mon, Gov. Sununu, give us the real dirt.

"And I gotta be honest, no one cares for [Calif. Gov.] Gavin [Newsom]. Gavin's just a pr**k," Sununu admitted to laughs and cheers from the Republican audience. "It's really disappointing. I got along with him, all of us [governors], got along with him for a while. But even Democrats — they won't tell you out loud — but behind closed doors, they're like, 'Oh, God, look who's coming.' And they all roll their eyes."

Which isn't surprising. Most of us have been grossed out by the smarmy, self-important, insufferable, arrogant, know-it-all governor who is wrong on every issue, whose state ranks dead last in educational achievement, whose state taxes are the nation's highest, whose propensity to lose money, from homeless funds to COVID funds is legendary, whose high-speed rail project is the Water World of government spending, whose reparations, illegal immigrant benefits, green mandates, and other schemes have made life in his state a living hell, and whose state budget has been blown out to the tune of tens of billions while other governors make their books balance.

All this, while declaring his state the wave of the future, even as other states take in his state's refugees like the Carpathia rescuing the Titanic survivors in lifeboats, and never mind that other states have plans of their own for what the wave of the future is.

Now we learn that he's as insufferable in private as he is in public. Surprise, surprise.

It is perfectly true that governors work well together as a brotherhood and sisterhood of sorts. Sarah Palin, who was then governor of Alaska, once told me this directly, and she actually led the governors association at the time and other governors said she was quite popular. I've heard similar in conversations with Hawaii's Linda Lingle and California's Pete Wilson.

It makes sense. States need to coordinate and cooperate around things like natural disasters -- floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, volcano problems, mudslides, drought, and wildfires. They need to have goodwill with one another in order to share water fairly, or to ensure that one state is not polluting another. Governors also work well together coordinating trade relations, putting each state's best competitive advantages forward, sometimes as regions to investors in order to create jobs at home, each state getting a piece of the pie.

When they work together, they can also lobby Washington D.C. more effectively in getting whatever it is they want, whether funding, or policy changes.

Newsom has never done anything like that, he just slicks his hair, grandstands in other states even as his own falls apart, and touts his state and himself as the only state worth paying attention to.

Worse still, the press laps it up, feeding the narrative that this boob is presidential material, which has got to cheese off the others.

The other governors keep chugging along, though, some good, some not so good, but none of them insisting that everyone do what they do, because 'progress.'

No wonder they can't stand Newsom. Not even the governor of Oregon can stand him, nor New York, nor Massachusetts, nor Illinois, any of the other choice blue states. As Sununu says, they roll their eyes.  

What a gross guy.

When not even Democrats can stand a certain leftist, it's got to be bad. Good luck with that Democrat nomination for president, Gav.

Image: Caricature by DonkeyHotey, via Flickr // CC BY-SA 2.0

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