New study: Pedestrians three times as likely to be hit by an EV driver than a regular driver
Murphy’s Law, or anything that can go wrong will go wrong, certainly sounds like it’s at play with all things “green” agenda. Think you’ve seen the extent of the damage? Well think again, because things seem to always just go from bad to worse.
According to a new study out of the United Kingdom, drivers behind the wheel of electric vehicles/hybrid-electric (“E-HE”) vehicles prove to be more than twice as likely to hit a pedestrian than drivers behind the wheel of internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, overall. But, when in urban settings, E-HE vehicles were “three times more dangerous” than ICE vehicles. Here’s this, from the study’s results:
During 2013–2017, casualty rates per 100 million miles were 5.16 … for E-HE vehicles and 2.40 … for ICE vehicles, indicating that collisions were twice as likely … with E-HE vehicles.
Poisson regression found no evidence that E-HE vehicles were more dangerous in rural environments … but strong evidence that E-HE vehicles were three times more dangerous than ICE vehicles in urban environments….
Of course, one can speculate that perhaps the reason E-HE vehicles were not found to be more dangerous in rural areas is probably because there are almost no E-HE vehicles in rural areas—impractical, expensive, hypocritical status symbol cars are typically a city slicker leftie purchase, not a car that rural people typically choose.
Secondly, rural areas, and considering that this study analyzed data from across Great Britain so this probably means rolling hills and farmland, aren’t saturated with pedestrians, and collisions between car and human are of course going to occur in far fewer instances than in the hectic “urban environment” of a city, so it seems like a silly point to include.
But…given the tone of the study’s “background” it kind of makes sense:
Plans to phase out fossil fuel-powered internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles and to replace these with electric and hybrid-electric (E-HE) vehicles represent a historic step to reduce air pollution and address the climate emergency.
Without evidence, and notwithstanding the tremendous evidence that the left’s “climate emergency” narrative isn’t true, the researchers start with a false premise. That’s a fallacy. And, we can see that including the “rural” data brought the collision rate of E-HE vehicles down overall, from three times as likely, to twice as likely; the researchers cling to the “twice as likely” stat, as evidenced here:
In Great Britain during 2013–2017, pedestrians were twice as likely to be hit by an electric or hybrid-electric car than by a petrol or diesel car; the risks were higher in urban areas.
(I say this to make the point that there is obvious bias, and there may be other manipulated metrics at play which are diminishing the hazard rates published by the researchers as official findings.)
While the researchers hypothesize that the quieter engine could be to blame for E.V. drivers hitting more people than ICE drivers, I have to wonder if there are other factors to consider:
First of all, the acceleration in an E.V. is far faster than the average ICE vehicle, a fact which would obviously be worth considering—Teslas for instance can “dominate” a Lamborghini in acceleration competitions.
Secondly, and this was on the tip from another AT editor, but apparently this was a study done a little over a decade ago on E.V. drivers being more dangerous… because of their morally superior attitudes. They were saving the world, so the rules of the road don’t apply in the same way they do for the little peasants. Now, while neither myself nor the other editor were able to track the study down, it certainly makes sense from what we know about the elitist behaviors and pseudo-virtue of climate change warriors behind the wheel of E.V.s.
What an unmitigated disaster.
Just today I wrote an essay on a fire at a lithium battery storage facility in the border community of Otay Mesa in California—it’s been burning for nine days, with no end in sight, consuming millions of gallons of water, and spewing noxious (and deadly) fumes into the air.
E.V.s release 1,850x more particle pollution than ICE vehicles, largely due to the extra weight, and therefore extra stress on brakes and tires.
In another report released yesterday by Brian Sussman at WND, we learned that the E.V.s “possess the potential to stretch the grid to the breaking point.” (Well isn’t that just swell.)
The entire mining industry for the rare earth minerals required to power E.V.s relies on human slavery, much of it child slavery, and leaves utter wastelands in the environment:
“BuT eLeCtRiC vEhIcLeS aRe BeTtEr fOr tHe EnViRoNmEnT” 🥴
— Olivia Murray (@americaliv1) September 22, 2023
But, the hazards of the “green” agenda continue to amplify, because now we know that if walking around any urban environment, our chances of getting mowed down by a car dramatically increase when that car happens to be an E.V.
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