New government study: ‘Cooking emissions’ the missing piece of the climate change puzzle, will impact ‘air quality management’ policy

The smell of meat on the grill is a “pleasing aroma” or a “sweet savour” to the God of the Torah and the Holy Bible, but to the climate “scientists” at the NOAA’s Chemical Sciences Laboratory, it’s indicative of “volatile” compounds in the air, a sign of “urban air pollution” that needs regulating, and they’re calling it: “cooking emissions.”

A little over a week ago, the NOAA published a report that summarized the results of a years-long taxpayer-funded study which ostensibly solved a mystery behind “unrecognized and underappreciated” sources of air pollution in the cities—too many people cooking their food before they eat it, and no, I’m not joking; see below:

Stroll along the downtown streets of any major city around dinner time and you’re bound to encounter mouth-watering aromas enticing hungry patrons to nearby restaurants like moths to a flame.

If there’s one thing the researchers at NOAA’s Chemical Sciences Laboratory (CSL) have learned in their multi-year deep dive investigation into the unrecognized and underappreciated sources of urban air pollution, it’s this: If you can smell it, there’s a good chance it’s impacting air quality. 

When it comes to those delicious food smells, the impact could be significant—according to a new study quantifying cooking emissions in the urban air of downtown Las Vegas that was recently published in the journal Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics.

‘What we’re  looking at from cooking are primarily oxygenated VOCs, or volatile organic compounds,’ said Matt Coggon, a research chemist at CSL and lead author of the study. ‘These are quite reactive in the air, so we expect they’ll be important for air quality.’

Coggon and his team of researchers determined that on average, 21% of the total mass of human-caused VOCs present in Las Vegas’ outdoor air were from cooking activities. Depending on the time of day, cooking VOCs ranged from from 10% to 30% of the total.

Now, the study was a joint effort, with one of the involved parties being “state air quality managers,” also known as the dreaded bureaucrat, so brace yourselves for a new round of government overreach and death by regulation, because here it comes.

With the climate change narrative and agenda of the left, all the hallmarks of communism are there:

  • We’ve got the abolition of private property, an imperative straight from the manifesto of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels—no more incandescent light bulbs; small local regenerative agriculture cattle ranches and farms are under serious attack; our gas stoves, and all our other appliances for that matter, are on the chopping block; by design, car ownership is a rapidly diminishing prospect; and, they openly espouse the “You will own nothing and be happy” slogan, among other things.

  • Millions dead, the most notorious stain on communism’s reputation, comes through abortion and population control efforts, to avert the climate crisis of course.

  • And now, they’re back with the starvation gambit, because as anyone with a functioning brain knows, when communism works, people don’t eat; it’s where everyone starves equally. Ever see this meme?



(Apropos as May 5th was Marx’s birthday.)

This is just another reminder that they won’t stop until we’re completely enslaved, or dead, because you know what else produces carbon emissions? Humans, when we breathe.

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Image: Free image, Pixabay license.

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