May Day ‘revelers’ torch a fleet of Amazon trucks, pelt cops with eggs and stones

“Mostly peaceful” has been eclipsed as the most ludicrous euphemism for violence and anarchy by a newly-coined German invention: “mostly trouble-free.”

Yes seriously—that’s how German police and media described the chaos of April 30th, or the night before May Day, where “protesters” hurled eggs and rocks at law enforcement and masked agitators “torched” a fleet of Amazon delivery trucks.

Here’s the story, from a report out at Breitbart News yesterday:

Berlin Police deployed 3,100 officers overnight in Berlin and despite some clashes and incidents of thrown eggs and stones, Die Welt notes the force said the five protests city-wide were ‘mostly trouble-free’.

Yet the night was not totally uneventful, and in Berlin, a group of 16 Amazon delivery vans were torched, and totally destroyed. Newspaper Bild reports the initial police investigation indicates it was an act of arson, and that ‘Witnesses claim to have seen several masked perpetrators at the Amazon vans.’

Here is a sample of the “mostly trouble-free” participants, some announcing “f–k you Israel” and “f–k you Germany” (first through a megaphone, then repeated by the crowd), others condemning the pro-Israel posture of German government:



Of course, that was before the night came and they attacked cops and committed arson.

And yes, you understood correctly—German leftists actually think they have the credibility to criticize others “profiting” off of “genocide.” In other news, German socialists are (once again) angry that Jews have unalienable rights too.

The lack of self-awareness is utterly dumbfounding, because these people genuinely don’t see the connections between themselves and Hitler’s Brownshirts.

But let me guess, this young woman is also pro-abortion? Quick history lesson: IG Farben, a German industrial chemical conglomerate that was intimately involved in the medical experiments of the Nazi regime, including owning the company that produced Zyklon-B for the gas chambers; when the allies seized it, it was “mostly-dissolved” back into the companies that initially merged into the conglomerate, one of those being Hoechst AG, which is the parent company of Roussel-Uclaf.

Now, Roussel-Uclaf manufactures the abortion pill RU-486—seems like that young gal probably encourages a profit off of genocide, she’s just too dumb to realize it.

There are plenty of things to thoroughly lambast the German government for, but providing arms to Israel is not one of them (I assume that is what this young woman is griping about). If you’ve not been paying attention, those “Palestinian” militants are fixing to be stateside soon—round of applause for Joe Biden and the Democrat voters with their superiority complexes— only they’ll be coming under the guise of “Gazan refugee.”

(Yesterday, AT contributor D. Parker penned an excellent essay breaking down the Nazi socialist roots of the May Day “holiday” and it’s definitely worth a read.)

Oh, and here’s this, also from Breitbart:

It was reported that in advance of the demonstrations beginning today, local residents reported to Berlin police that strategically placed piles of stones and roofing tiles were spotted along the planned route of some marches. The city’s conservative mayor said he would ‘not tolerate’ criminals throwing stones at police officers. He said: ‘When I hear there are deposits of stones and roof tiles in this city, then this is not a trivial offence. This is an act with a high probability of causing serious injury, or worse’.

Stacks of “construction” material that conveniently placed near the sites of where the “protests” and “marches” are set to occur? Construction material that can easily double as dangerous and destructive projectiles if the mob mentality takes over the crowd of “mostly-peaceful” protesters? Now where have we seen this before?

Does anyone remembers the pallets of bricks that mysteriously showed up in cities across America after George Floyd? I do.

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