Joe Biden’s political failures in the Red Sea are driving up carbon emissions—to a striking degree
Are Democrats and their policies always the common denominators between political problems both big and small? I’d say so.
Take a look at the latest example, out from a Reuters report published on Tuesday:
A surge of attacks on ships traveling the waters of the Red Sea is forcing shippers to reroute their vessels, sending them on longer journeys that drive up their carbon dioxide emissions.
Since the attacks by Yemen’s Houthi rebel forces began in the Suez Canal last year, hundreds of ships - powered by heavy fuel oil - have been diverted around the Cape of Good Hope, adding hundreds of kilometers (miles) to each journey. Those extra kilometers (miles) are resulting in higher emissions.
The numbers? Well according to Reuters, a 26% increase in emissions, per shipping container, on average—after analyzing the data, the authors found that each container on the original route would release 1.07 tons of CO2, and the reroute bumped that number to 1.35 tons of CO2. From the article:
At this rate, the extra emissions from one ship carrying 10,000 containers on a single rerouted journey would dwarf the Statue of Liberty.
Here’s where it got even “worse”:
A large container ship’s journey from Shanghai to Hamburg, for example, emits 38% more CO2, or 4.32 million kilograms, if it goes around Africa instead of through the Suez Canal, according to data pulled for Reuters by LSEG.
Now, “carbon dioxide emissions” are apparently the same thing as carbon dioxide—at least that’s what the climate “scientists” making it up as they go allege—so while I certainly don’t subscribe to the idea that “carbon dioxide” is a pollutant—more carbon dioxide means a more verdant and thriving planet—they do, so it’s an ironic situation. Democrats and their failed policies are both the cause and effect of the negative news story.
We’re told that carbon emissions are being driven up because ships that would originally use critical waterways in the Red Sea are forced to take much longer routes around the southern tip of Africa…because there are marauding Houthi terrorists on the high seas, and they’re growing in strength.
I mean, it’s not like this is the 18th century anymore, so you might wonder how in the world some ragtag low-IQ Islamists from Yemen (of all regressive places) can even impact global shipping with all its modern technologies and equipment? Well, because they’re well-financed, well-armed, and up-to-date on intelligence—thanks to the patronage of the Iranian regime.
But then one has to wonder why the Iranian regime has anything to give?
Oh that’s right, Joe Biden and his band of incompetents and saboteurs removed the economic sanctions imposed on the regime by President Trump and crippled American oil production–naturally Iran filled the vacuum.
And, before Trump’s presidency, there Biden and his cronies were again, sending pallets of cash to the terrorist financiers and giving them nuclear capabilities!
Oh the joys of living in the land of the corrupt and stupid.