Insufferable: Pro-abortion female calls senator’s office to give him a ‘daily uterus update’

In case you needed a reminder that smug, privileged, bored, white pro-abortion females are the most insufferable political demographic, here it is:



She obviously thinks she’s making a point—that the government has no business being involved in what we decide to do with our own bodies—but like all Democrat talking points, it’s entirely fallacious.

First, if efforts to criminalize the intentional killing of a preborn child in the womb is akin to “regulating” uteruses, then criminalizing the act of rape is regulating penises, making it a crime to beat someone to death is regulating hands and feet, and “banning” the viewing of child porn is regulating eyes. Anti-abortion people, like myself, don’t care what you choose to do with your body, just as long as you’re not hurting anyone else, or using our money to do it. You want to cut off your private parts for some weird fetish? Go for it. You don’t want to be a parent? Again, no problem with that—in fact, if you’re like this woman, please don’t—you just can’t murder an innocent person in that pursuit.

Secondly, none of the abortion-limit legislation even hints at a “daily uterus update” and this is obviously an obnoxious appeal to extremes, defined as “erroneously attempting to make a reasonable argument into an absurd one[.]” It’s reasonable that children in the womb would also be afforded the protections enumerated in the Constitution, because they too are people with unalienable rights—even if their right to life conflicts with a mother’s casual sex lifestyle, or gets in the way of what she had originally planned for the trajectory of her life.

Talk about white privilege. She’s got an iPhone with a cute little marble-looking case and blonde highlights throughout her hair, she’s wearing pro-abortion merch, and she clearly has nothing better, or more pressing, to do with her time except be an absolute menace to others—as a working mother myself, the last thing I have time for (or even care to do) is film myself prank-calling politicians in Washington D.C. for some social media attention.

But, I guarantee this woman is post-abortive, because this is how post-abortive women often act. Instead of coming to grips with what they’ve done, paying someone in a grimy and threadbare “clinic” to suck or pull apart their own child, they’ll build a “virtuous” identity around reproductive “rights” and “justice.” It’s a thin veneer, and we all see right through it.

They told us before, and they’ll remind us every chance they get, they’re “nasty” and “vulgar ”women.

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