Illegals land speedboat and barrel through crowded sand at San Diego's Ocean Beach

Crowded enough for you at O.B., as the surfer dude haven of Ocean Beach is known in San Diego?

Here come the illegals, making it even more crowded.



Yes, we've seen this phenomena already starting to happen now that San Diego has become the border crossing of choice for cartel-financed illegals into the U.S.

Nobody knows who they are, where they're going, or what they're doing.

But they are getting in, and what's more, nobody's doing anything about it. A few months ago there was footage of illegals landing in tony La Jolla as cell phone cameras followed them.

Now, instead of slinking in in the dead of night, they're brazenly landing on crowded Ocean Beach where moms, dads, and kids with pails and shovels sit on towels, drink soda, play music throw Frisbies, play volleyball, put on the sunblock, stretch out for their suntans, splash in the cold water on their boogie boards, read beach books, or watch the surf roll in and out, sometimes with surfers dotting the waves.

Foreign human-smuggling rackets are now openly landing their illegal boats on the crowded shore so their human cargo get out and run right through the crowds and all their beach towels and drink coolers into waiting cars which bolt off at lightning speed, never mind that Ocean Beach is one of the older districts of San Diego with much narrower streets amid all the post-war beach bungalows, and filled with kids and teens on their way to the beach. It's probably only a matter of time before one of them hits someone, and the 'thoughts and prayers' go out.

World's biggest Naval base. Gigantic Marine base up north. And still nobody guarding the coast in San Diego.

If the Chicoms wanted to send an armed force invasion, they have their blueprint here and it looks pretty easy.

Image: Twitter screen shot



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