Gov. Kathy Hochul and the Democrat party’s hard bigotry of no expectations

You’ve already heard about New York Governor Kathy Hochul’s gaffe about black children. (I’m using the word “gaffe” in the way that Michael Kinsley defined it: “A gaffe is when a politician tells the truth—some obvious truth he isn’t supposed to say.”) In Hochul’s case, when she said black kids in the Bronx didn’t know what a computer is, she was stating the unspoken Democrat party view about blacks: To a Dem, blacks are stupid, incompetent, incapable, and unteachable. To the extent that, sadly, some blacks conform to this stereotype, it’s because the Democrat party has systematically removed all hope of betterment from them.

I can’t get to the analysis until I do a bit about the gaffe itself, Hochul’s minimal repair efforts, and some responses. Here’s Hochul speaking her (and the Democrat party’s) “truth”:

Young black kids growing up in the Bronx who don’t even know what the word “computer” is, they don’t know. They don’t know these things. And I want the world open up [sic] to all of them because when you have their diverse voices innovating solutions through technology, then you’re really addressing society’s broader challenges.

Hochul later had “regrets”: “In a statement later Monday, Hochul said ‘I misspoke and I regret it.’” I bet she does. It speaks volumes, though, that she didn’t bother with a huge apology. With Hispanics flooding the country, Democrats may be rethinking how much they need the black community.

Black kids in the Bronx were not pleased:

Someone dug up a classic video about Biden’s own “gaffe” with his low expectations about American blacks:

No one was really surprised. What Hochul says truly is how leftists view blacks. Just look at this classic 2017 video from Ami Horowitz, in which he interviewed vapid, white Berkeley leftists and actual black people regarding the latter’s ability to obtain state id:


Democrats have always had these low expectations about black people. Because Southern slaveholding Democrats knew their Bible, they knew that slavery was morally wrong, and that’s true whether you look at the Exodus story or at the Eighth Commandment (“Thou shalt not steal,” which must surely include stealing someone’s liberty). The only way that they could justify race-based slavery was to identify blacks as less than fully human, a people caught in some twilight between the simian and homo sapiens classification.


But in the 161 years since the Civil War ended slavery in America and the 60 years since the Civil Rights Act ended government discrimination, Democrats wised up. Overt hostility, they realized, allows room for hope; smothering love, however, obscures the need for hope.

Imagine two families. In one family, the parents are obviously cruel to their children. If the children can look beyond the four walls of the home and see a better life, they will be desperate to leave and then do what they can to avoid being trapped in that situation again.

In the other family, the parents never stop telling the children how much they love them and use those professions of love to deny the children the opportunity to learn and grow. The children never have to do anything for themselves, they’re never punished, and they get everything they ask for. These children are also abused. They just don’t see it because it’s wrapped in ostensible love and satisfies their most immediate, base needs. The movie Tangled captured this imprisoning, manipulative parental mindset:


Under slavery and Jim Crow, blacks recognized that they were being abused and demeaned. They fought back by valuing and seeking to achieve the things denied them: a stable, nuclear family, a real education, the opportunity to receive a paycheck for a day’s work, and honest respect for being honestly respectable.


Today, though, Democrats tell blacks the equivalent of “I love you, I love you, I love you,” while seemingly giving them anything they want.

If blacks are willing to accept minimal living conditions, welfare relieves them from the burden of work—aided by leftists earnestly explaining that because slavery was work, all work is slavery. Destroying school standards relieves blacks from the burden of learning. Easy abortions, the LGBTQ+ agenda, and the attack on faith promise the cheap thrills of sex without the burdens of family, a premise that ignores the extraordinary benefits of family. And when it comes to honest respect for being honestly respectable, Democrats have substituted crime without consequences and applause for an utterly debased culture that, with Democrat encouragement, focuses on sex, drugs, and crime.

From the outside looking in, we can see that this is the worst kind of abuse, intended to keep the black community chained to people who use the word “love” as a weapon. But from the inside, too many blacks believe that this is what love really looks like and, unlike the slave and Civil Rights generations before them, make no effort to break free.

Image: X screen grab.

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