For the geniuses at Time magazine, it’s news when a woman gets pregnant

When I was growing up, Time magazine was a staid, very middle-of-the-road publication. Now, it’s a rag so radical that it felt compelled to publish a long screed about how Florida’s 15-week abortion limit is causing problems for “trans men” who didn’t understand that continuing to have heterosexual intercourse could lead to pregnancy.

Shefali Luthra, the article’s author, is a young pro-abortion activist. She recently published a book entitled Undue Burden: Life and Death Decisions in Post-Roe America. The entire point of the book is that since the Dobbs decision returned the issue of abortion to the individual states (aka “laboratories of democracy”), some women are having a harder time getting abortions, especially later in their pregnancies.

Florida, of course, is a particular bête noire for progressive Democrat activists. Ever since Ron DeSantis, with the backing of his legislature, took on radical transgender sex education in elementary schools and pushed back against Disney’s support for that same radical transgender agenda, Democrats have been determined to paint Florida as the epicenter of an American “Republic of Gilead,” a la The Handmaid’s Tale.

In fact, Florida’s 15-week abortion limit is extremely moderate. It’s in line with European standards (and Democrats love European standards). In addition, the dirty secret of abortion is that 94% of all abortions in America occur in the first trimester—and 15 weeks is almost a third of the way through the second trimester. In other words, Florida doesn’t even have much of an abortion ban.

Don’t worry; it’s an AI image.

But Luthra needed to have a sob story, and she found it in Jasper, who didn’t learn until she was 12 weeks into her pregnancy that she was, in fact, pregnant. The twist to Jasper’s story is that Jasper, who clearly has a fully functioning reproductive system, thinks she’s a man and had been taking testosterone for six months before she got pregnant. It’s intriguing to contemplate the fact that, despite believing she’s a man, Jasper was apparently happy to continue having old-fashioned kind of male/female sexual know, the kind that makes babies.

For Luthra, though, this isn’t a case of a woman having sex, getting pregnant, and wanting an abortion. Instead, it’s the tragedy of a man getting pregnant, not realizing he was pregnant because...well, he’s a man, and then having to get an abortion. The problem wasn’t Jasper’s mental illness. Oh, no! It was that those darn healthcare providers kept misdiagnosing this man’s pregnancy, whether because they, too, were mentally ill or because they were just bad doctors. In any event, neither Jasper nor her caregivers figured out that a woman who is having sex with a man and who has morning sickness might be...preggers.

Poor Jasper, having been clueless about sex and pregnancy, was then left with only three weeks to decide whether to abort her baby. Faced with the requirement that she get counseling before an abortion, “he knew...he had to move quickly.”

A sobbing Jasper, unable to reach “his boyfriend” (who had impregnated “him”), called Planned Pregnancy for advice. Naturally, Planned Parenthood made it happen, and it was just an easy little procedure. A sedative, a little surgery, and dead. Then, Jasper’s boyfriend brought home some Vietnamese takeout, and they watched TV.

Jasper’s only regret was that, because of Florida’s evil 15-week-limit (combined with “his” ignorance of basic human biology), “he” had to rush “his” decision, leaving “him” very little time to decide whether “he” should have become a,, parent.

Clearly, the entire essay is nonsense, but it’s nonsense that has legs because America has spent two decades indoctrinating people to believe that there’s no connection between biological reality and people’s behavior and the consequences flowing from that behavior. If biological women have sex with biological men, biological babies can occur, and that’s true even if one of the parties has been poisoning his or her body with opposite-sex hormones.

The brainwashing is everywhere. This past week, USA Today censored an opinion piece by Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) regarding men in women’s sports because it used “loaded terms” that were “inflammatory.” Those terms? “Biological male” and “biological female.”

Leftism is a religion, not an economic system. Marx originally saw economic problems and economics changes as the vehicle by which to bring his faith to fruition (his version of the Second Coming or the Rapture, I guess), but his ideology was always about a fundamental transformation, as Obama might say.

Marxism would enable each person to rise above not only societal strictures but reality itself. In Marxist world, while race is currently immutable, the human body is otherwise an extension of the human imagination.

But, of course, imagination will always hit the wall of reality. You may imagine that you can fly, but when you jump off that rooftop, you’ll hit the ground with a splat. You may imagine that Muslims are tolerant, loving people, but if you go to Iran or Saudi Arabia and openly practice homosexuality, you’ll discover that your neck cannot stretch indefinitely when hanging from the gallows.

And most of all, when you’re a biological woman, if you have unprotected heterosexual sex with your biologically male boyfriend, all your dreams of being a man won’t stop you from getting pregnant.

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