Democrat green agenda: For whites, we save the planet; for blacks, we dangle the government goodies
Ever wonder how cynical the Democrats are?
Instapundit has found an item on Ann Althouse's blog that will make you go 'eewww.'
Writes Jerel Ezell, in "Biden Underestimates How Much Black Americans Care About This Issue" (NYT).
So, the "better way to talk about" climate change to black voters — instead of talking about "a planet free of climate crisis" — is to let them know there are billions of dollars "waiting to be doled out" to their specific communities. And that's "how much black Americans care" — they care about the money that might be doled out to them. That's what it says in the article.
So whites get talked to in the language of poetry and heroism in the noble task of "saving the planet" (despite that not being true), while blacks are basically viewed as children, or maybe cats, following that pork chop around, interested only getting the most free stuff they can get, and always as a welfare class dependent on Democrats.
The Times puts it this way:
Mr. Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act earmarked roughly $2 billion for community-level climate justice initiatives, such as grants for green technology and reducing the health risks from heat and pollution that have ravaged Black communities, and there’s more money waiting to be doled out.
If you were a black voter, would you start to feel insulted?
I sure as heck would.
That offer of green goodies would sound just a little like someone dragging a pork chop around on a string for me.
The irony is, while blacks tend to be lower on the economic ladder (albeit not always), and theoretically susceptible to money pitches, it's rich whites who talk the good game about global warming and saving the planet most who also seem to be raking in the biggest chunks of federal largesse from the Democrats' green boondoggles. These are the greedheads, and as if to draw attention away from that uncomfortabethey virtue-signal loudest.
The sheer cynicism of this approach goes a long way towards explaining why black voters are deserting the Democrats in droves and moving over to the Republican column with Donald Trump at the helm. Trump never talks to black people that way, dangling goodies in front of them as if they were hungry cats.
When we speak of living in a polarized political system or a divided society, it's just this kind of cynicism that is driving it.
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