Crew cleaning campus protest graffiti spray paint over pro-Hamas protestors blocking them

The score? Woikin' Men: 4, Wokesters 0.

Snowflakes do fine running circles around their poncy preening university administrators, but when they go up against the working men of America (and beyond), they aren't going to win.

Which brings us to this latest lovely picture:


— Oilfield Rando (@Oilfield_Rando) May 8, 2024

Someone had to clean up the pigpen these pro-Hamas wokesters left behind, and a professional cleanup crew was deployed. They had a job to do, they got busy, and when the protestors lined up to block them from their task of cleaning up a vandalized university wall at Case Western, well, they just kept working.

The jackasses got exactly what they had coming. Actions have consequences and standing in the way of paint spray is a good way to get sprayed. Teachable moment, as they say, though these clowns don't seem to learn.

It's of a piece with several such incidents, both very recent and slightly less recent.

Recall that the Harvard gardening department kept on doing its job even as protestors pranced and preened on the Harvard lawn in an illegal campout, stinking it up, littering like toddlers, and disobeying university orders to clear out. The working men there turned on the midnight sprinklers as they had been scheduled to do in their jobs and protestors got doused, ridiculously running around with buckets as if in a Monty Python movie, trying to sit on the sprinklers and getting their butts wet in very cold night weather.

What a splendid spectacle.

Over in Germany, when woke greenie protestors glued themselves to the floor of a Porsche auto showroom, the workmen flipped off the switches for the night and left them sitting there glued to the floor, telling them to bring their own toilets. That was the working man spirit at work with disruptive and whining protestors, too.

Several years back, working men gave their take on modern art on the job -- by hauling off some precious woke 'sculpture' in front of some building -- off to the dump. They saw trash, they had a job, they did the job, and they dusted their hands off.

Less funny, the working custodians at Columbia proved to be pretty heroic in trying to stop an illegal break-in to a university building, protecting the property, and later taken hostage, as this story indicated.



But there was humor there, too, as the lead custodian managed to unmask the masked protestor for all the world to see, and revealed that the preening wokester playing 'revolutionary' was actually a forty-year-old man playing college student while living off his rich daddy's income, accumulating a rap sheet, and dreaming big dreams of being Che Guevara, despite being a little old for it. What a wretched character, and the world has the Columbia custodians to thank for revealing the face of this figure of ridicule for "who he is" as the wokesters say.

Working men, going about their jobs, in every case, and making fools of the prancing pansies of these antisemitic campus protests. Any guesses as to whom they plan to vote for in the election of 2024? I think we know.

Eric Hoffer wrote a lot about this phenomenon -- of ordinary people just wanting to do their jobs and be left alone, and the left's insane obsession with creating nuisances and disturbances, and why the working men have no sympathy for the woke. It would be helpful to revisit some of those books outlining those contrasts -- from The True Believer, to Working and Thinking on the Waterfront, to Before the Sabbath, as well as his television appearances around campus protests in the 1960s. He always made his opponents look like fools.

Let's hear it for the working man in this month of honoring international labor, having a job to do and doing it -- and making complete fools of these shiftless, self-important idiots at so many college protests, again and again, and again.

Image: Twitter screen shot
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