Biden is bombing with Catholic and even mainline Protestant church-going voters -report
Joe Biden can't stop jingling his rosary beads at his infrequent political rallies.
He's a Catholic, a "devout Catholic," Mister Catholic Extraordinaire, a Catholic president, a guy who supposedly takes Communion with the pope's approval, and he wants everyone to know it. Hain't he got the wokester pope in his tree to prove it?
It's his schtick now that election time has come around.
But somehow, that's not resonating with Catholic voters, nor Protestant ones from mainline churches, such as the Episcopalians and Presbyterians, many of whom are not particularly conservative. Not even they are buying into Biden's Catholic schtick.
That's what Salena Zito and Brad Todd found from a stunning Marquette Law School national survey of where Joe Biden's biggest problem is with voters.
On today's RealClearPolitics, they write:
To locate Joe Biden’s electoral problem, you need only to look on Sunday morning. Polling shows the mass-attending Catholic president trails Donald Trump by 10 points among those who attend religious services a few times a year or more. The score is reversed with voters who report they seldom or never attend church, with Biden leading by 10.
It’s the starkest divide in the electorate – and one that political journalists rarely mention, perhaps because, as a profession, journalists are more removed from religion than the average American.
Maybe that's because it's pretty obvious that he doesn't live his supposed faith, which if they are like me, they doubt he even has.
As Biden jingles his rosary beads, most Catholics will also notice that he's also suing the Little Sisters of the Poor for not providing worker insurance that includes abortion "services." He's thrown Catholic and other Christian pro-life activists who attempted to stop abortions into prison for draconian multi-year terms which is a lot more than violent criminals get. He's even sent out the SWAT teams against a pro-lifer who merely defended his son against a menacing aggessor and whose case had been thrown out by state authorities earlier. His adminstration has vowed to "punish" hospitals that don't provide "gender-affirming care" which is obviously targeted at Catholic and other religious hospitals. He made a mocking sign of the cross to insult a pro-life governor and by extension all voters opposed to abortion during a campaign plug touting abortion by a political ally. Heh, heh, isn't that funny?
But don't you dare question his Catholicism, which is about as watery and contrary to the spirit of Christianity as it's possible to be.
Zito and Todd point out that the chasm is greater with these voters than with any other groups, which is saying something.
Obviously, they don't like a phony and Biden's phoniness is absolutely naked based on the difference between what he says and what he does.
Can anyone even imagine Joe Biden doing something Christians who attend services might do, such as examine his conscience? He's never given any evidence he has, and if he did, it did no good, but there's plenty of evidence he hasn't -- just from the moral example of his family, and the character and beliefs of his political allies, and his general associates. He's not like Christians, he's indistinguishable from an enemy of Christianity, and he repeatedly shows it without intending to.
That's brought him a mountain of rejection from Christians who attend church who can see that he wears his Christianity like a skinsuit.
President Trump, by contrast, is not precisely the same as the churchgoing public, but he does fight for them and their interests, and many can see that he does. Zito calls these churchgoers "King Cyrus Christians" who can recognize a leader, same as the ancient Hebrews did with King Cyrus of Persia, who is on their side at their darkest hour and acts to deliver them from evil.
So not only is Biden a repellent phony who just can't admit that he's not a Christian in his quest to rope in gullible voters, there's also an attractive alternative.
For Christians, Trump is a King Cyrus to them, aiding them as Christianity undergoes unprecedented cultural and even physical attack, and they've got the Biblical example as almost a guide to them. Biden is more like one of the lesser King Herods, drinking and wenching while claiming to being a good Jew and actually trying to slay or slaying their prophets. We all know that the bad King Herod who killed the babies got eaten by bugs in the end. Somehow, that works as a thought for Joe Biden, too.
So despite all the observations about Joe Biden losing traditional Democrat constituencies (which is substantial), Joe Biden is failing hardest of all with Christians of all stripes who got to church. That's because Christianity is his least-authentic, least-persuasive, act.
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