At GWU, student radicals put people on trial and announce they're executing them
While Columbia and UCLA swept out their campus protestors like bad garbage, and USC did the same this morning, George Washington University remains a haven of radical looniness.
Here's a tweet showing just what the campus communists are up to as other protests shut down:
At the George Washington University Gaza Solidarity Encampment today, the protesters held a "People's Tribunal" where they put President Ellen Granberg, Provost Christopher Bracey, the Board of Trustees, @GWPolice, and many others on trial.
— Stu (@thestustustudio) May 3, 2024
Is it normal for students to want to…
It seems to be a mock trial, nominally about Gaza, with campus protestors declaring themselves judge and jury for all their university overseers -- the provost, the trustees, maybe their profs, who don't kowtow to their robotic party line, with lots of 'guillotine! guillotine! guillotine!' verdicts coming from these losers.
PJMedia has a more description of these half-baked Robespierre wannabes in this piece here:
I do not know if they are confusing the title of "provost" within George Washington University's faculty as the academic supervisor with a supervisor of law enforcement (like "provost marshal"), but accusing Mr. Bracey of assault just adds another element of absurdity to this "tribunal" these kids are hosting.
Right after, the girl on the megaphone proclaims, "Off to the m*****f***ing gallows with you."
But hold on, it gets stupider.
The girl on the megaphone then accuses GWU's Board of Trustees of profiteering off the "genocide" of Palestinians, and after the other students loudly proclaim them "guilty," she yells, "To the guillotine!"Finally, they also call for GWU President Ellen Granberg and her apparently "f****** bob [haircut]" to be under the guillotine as well for "using [their] tuition dollars to fund genocide."
Stu Stu Studios also posted a longer version, but the fact that these kids are openly and publicly calling for the deaths of specific people who can very likely hear them just underscores how insane these "protests" really are.
Which rather shows you that they've got Red Guard instincts, and just not enough opportunity to act them out for real. Like Lenin and Stalin and Mao and Pol Pot and Castro and Che, they dream big of executing anyone they don't agree with, and often for childish clown-show reasons.
A lot of those evil creatures who went on to murder millions were expelled from their universities for a lot less than calling for the murder of the people who run the universities. But the states of these places, unlike the universities, were weak, so they went on to wreak revolutionary murder for real. Over here, even the universities are weak.
Maybe they shouldn't be weak, because these are mice with ambitions of being rats. They are monsters in the making. Expel them from all civilized society.
Image: Twitter video screen shot