You can't make this stuff up: Wizzair to become world's first poop-propelled airline
What is it about the left and its obsession with excrement?
Leftists fling poop at political rallies. They employ blue-city poop patrols to clean up their poop-strewn streets. They create poop map apps. They've praised communist China for its "night soil" fertilization practices to grow crops.
Now this, as dutifully reported by the left-wing BBC, which has run more than one story about this:
The world's first commercial-scale factory turning human waste into sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) has been announced.
Biofuel company Firefly plans to develop the plant in Harwich, Essex, and hopes to deliver fuel by 2028.
It has reached an agreement with Wizz Air to provide up to 525,000 tonnes of SAF over 15 years.
Firefly chief executive James Hygate said biosolids were "kind of disgusting stuff" but "an amazing resource".
"We're turning sewage into jet fuel. I can't really think of many things that are cooler than that," Mr Hygate added.
I can.
Naturally, this is all about saving the planet and thus, comes from the airline's corporate ESG department:
Yvonne Moynihan, corporate and ESG (environmental, social and governance) officer at Wizz Air, said finding sustainable fuel was crucial to reducing carbon emissions from aviation.
Which is just so ... gross. What kind of exhaust emissions is this particular "fuel" going to create once this airline gets this poop fuel program going? Is it, as the Brits say, going to present "a bit of a pong"? Do leftists really want their skies to be filled with the odor of a Porta-Potty raining down on anyone below their jet plumes?
Even if one can't smell it, those carbon compounds are going to be there for the breathing.
More to the point, why are they doing this? The airline says it hopes to use 10% of its fuel with this particular fuel, and the BBC report says that it's hideously expensive. Why not run on cheaper fossil fuels instead of this contrived 'confection'? Do they seriously mean to use this jet "fuel" in place of safe, abundant, and proven fossil fuel? There's plenty of fossil fuel out there if Britain and the rest of the West would only drill for it. Why is pricier, and grosser, "biomass" fuel superior to this? And where is the dignity here?
Maybe they should change their name to Whizzz-Air, or better still, Dump-Air. You can't make this stuff up.
Image: Rawpixel / U.S. Forest Service // CC0 public domain