Who is going to tell them? Kennedys boost RFK, Jr.'s campaign without realizing it

Which Kennedy came up with the bright idea of putting out this video?

There also was this:

The aim of the multi-family member ad was to boost Joe Biden and scare off voters from independent candidacy of their own family member, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who's making a dent in Joe Biden's ratings and who has now secured spots on several ballots in several swing states.

Their praise of Biden was copious:

"When I think of modern politicians in our country, in this century, I think Joe Biden is the RFK of his generation," said a man who identified himself as Chris Kennedy, who, based on a Google search, is RFK, Jr.'s younger brother, by a nine-year age span.

Which is ridiculous: Joe Biden, born in 1942, is less than a generation from RFK, born in 1925. They're the same generation, and from large families, so they could even have been brothers.

Whether they like it or not, they accidentally reminded voters why they like RFK, Jr.

Everyone knows that RFK, Jr. is not like the rest of the Kennedy chi-chi crowd. He thinks for himself, he challenges canards and narratives, he takes care of himself, he talks sense on many things, and he certainly has lived an honorable life. He couldn't be less like the rest of the Kennedys and that's part of why he's doing so well in the polls.

Unbeknownst to the Kennedys who put out these ads, Americans don't like dynasties. The dynasty thing was one factor that took down Jeb Bush as the GOP heir presumptive in 2015-2016; Bush's statements were the other. The same dynamic loathing of dynasties is going on on the Democrat side, but with RFK, Jr. alienated from the Kennedy compound clan, his bloodlines are not held against him.

The Kennedys would have you think that they're so royal, so influential, so popular, that people just won't be able to resist their appeal to vote for senile old Joe.

What regular people see, though is a scandal-plagued, drug-addled sewer trout clan which just goes to show how unaware they are of their own political baggage, which is substantial. How's it that Joe Kennedy, Jr., the Hugo Chavez-touting "Dial-Joe-4-Oil" wasn't put out there front and center in that first video (but I see him in the second)? Or this charmer, once married to one of Ethel Kennedy's offspring? Or Kerry Kennedy, who was featured in the first video, one living drug misadventure after another? Where's the photo of Ted Kennedy as the Kennedys tout Biden's supposed decency? Only a couple of them escaped scandal and I don't see Caroline Kennedy in the bunch. These Kennedys are all about the scandals.

Why the heck do these nobodys think their claims to royalty and elitism within the Democrat party, living lives without consequences, are going to rope in the votes for Joe?

My old friend Jeff Gremillion who's an exceptionally good journalist, analyzed it this way, and I couldn't agree more:

Word, bro. All this endorsement will do is remind RFK'S voters why they liked their man in the first place. Thanks, Kennedy family, you've just helped RFK, Jr. draw in more votes.

Image: Twitter screen shot

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