Where's mom? Omar's daughter, suspended from Columbia, whines about being homeless and hungry

Rep. Ilhan Omar's "hyper-woke," "P.C. police" daughter, Isra Hirsi, got suspended from Columbia for not clearing out from her pro-Hamas anti-semitic campout with the other leftist crazies.

She got a warning from her school on Wednesday, she ignored that warning, and now she's out on her ear: No more dorm spot, no more campus-access I.D. card, and no more meal hall.

Now she's whining to the press.

According to the New York Post:

The privileged daughter of Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar amazingly claims she’s homeless and can’t get food after being kicked out of her prestigious $90,000-per-year Barnard College dorm following her arrest at last week’s anti-Israel protests on Columbia University’s campus.

Isra Hirsi, 21, and a handful of other Barnard students were slapped with suspensions after they were among the more than 100 protestors cuffed and hauled away for refusing to clear out from a tent encampment on the Ivy League school’s campus last Thursday.

“I was a little bit frantic, like, where am I going to sleep? Where am I gonna go?” she whined to Teen Vogue after learning she’d been evicted from campus housing and banned from using the dining hall.

"And also all of my s–t is thrown in a random lot. It’s pretty horrible,” said the disgraced student still supported by her Democratic “squad” member mom, who said she is ” enormously proud” of her daughter.

Boo hoo. She would have signed an agreement with the university at the time she enrolled to obey its rules as a condition of getting in, and she failed to keep her end of the bargain, so now she's facing consequences but expects no consequences, probably because that's what she's used to.

Her whining to the school itself to bail her out is really amazing:

“I sent them an email like, ‘Hey, I rely on campus for my meals, I rely on my dining plan,’ and they were like, Oh, you can come pick up a prepackaged bag of food, a full 48 hours after I was suspended,” she told the magazine.

“There was no food support, no nothing.”

She wants the school to be her 'mom' and take care of her, even though she disrupted its operations, made lunatic demands on it about how it was to spend its money, and is actually an adult, having turned 21. Someone always needs to take care of her, no matter what she does.

It's weird that she expects an actual institution to do so instead of dear old mom, which some of the other now-suspended pro-Hamas protestors have reportedly done.

Where's her actual mom? The one that's so "proud" of her?

Omar must have some kind of residence in the Washington, D.C. area, which is a $50 bus ride from New York City, and can go as low as $12 with some shopping around. It would seem natural that she would go back to mom.

But this remark here from the Post is pretty strange:

"I have like four shirts, two pairs of pants,” Hirsi complained. “I don’t know when I can go home, and I don’t know if I ever will be able to.”

Well, now she gets to learn what it's like to grow up and weigh her decisions without an automatic bailout in the picture. What's with Omar and why isn't she sending this loser a bus ticket back home and placing her on restriction?

The whining, Victor Davis Hanson noted, seems to be a signature of this campus pro-Hamas movement, making it different from student radical movements of the past.



The whiners are the epitome of privilege in that they like to do what they want to do, but don't want to take any consequences for it.

Which brings us to Hirsi.

As Hirsi whined to the press about being homeless and foodless, left unsaid was any concern about her studies, whatever the heck they were, which seems to be the purpose of being at Columbia University in the first place. In a string of interviews, Hirsi didn't bring those up at all, and the mainstream media, to its discredit, didn't ask.

What does she do there? What is her major, if any? Is her school there, Barnard College, now a gut-major school where tent-protesting can take the place of study? And how the heck did she get into the school in the first place?

In her interview with MSNBC, she spoke of the wonderful life of leisure she was enjoying in those campout protest tents until bad, wicked, Columbia took it all away from her.

Denying that the campout made other students feel threatened or uncomfortable in a question, Hirsi babbled this sylvan scenario:

Umm, no, I think that the encampment was honestly one of the beautiful, ummm, forms of solidarity. Umm, we would be singing songs, we had meals together, people prayed together, they held shabbot yesterday. And it's really just been a really community-centered space, umm, and also, because of the fact that it is outside, we haven't disrupted any classes, umm, and had really been a very isolated kind of moment,where the zone in which we protesting in is the demonstration zone that we are allowed technically be able to protest in... the zone is the demonstration zone.. and therefore it shouldn't have been seen as disruptive.

Memo to Hirsi: That's what beaches are for. Most college kids know that spring break lasts a week and do theirs on the beach.

Notice again that 'study' was not part of the equation.

But rest assured, her movement wants to be taken really, really, really seriously.

Some demonstrators ate slices of pizza; others knelt for the dhuhr prayer. “We come from a long lineage of students and activists who stand up for justice,” observed Seda. “I want the world to stop diminishing our struggle as wokeness or some political fad. It’s not. People here are closely tied to their commitment to justice.”

Chomp, chomp.

The university had to shut that protest down if for nothing else just to keep the school functioning. Finals are coming up, after all, and most students at Columbia, (at least when I was there in the 1990s), have heavy workloads, the computer rooms full on Friday nights. Shutting down the bellowing, menacing, clown show campout on the lawn was a necessity for the school simply to allow those there to study to study, as well as to protect the Jewish students from actual harm.

Why she had no concern about this was pretty interesting, almost as interesting as to why even her wokester mom won't let her back into the house.

Image: Screen shot from MSNBC video, via YouTube


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