UC Berkeley community farm under fire for allegedly implementing a weekly whites-free day

Berkeley? Say no more!

University of California Berkeley is in the hot seat for an anti-white PR stunt gone horribly (and hilariously) wrong; the Mountain States Legal Foundation recently filed a complaint with the federal Department of Education over allegations that one of the school’s community gardens had implemented a “no whites” policy on Saturdays.

Prohibiting someone from entering a public community space based on immutable characteristics like skin color? Sounds wrong, but also illegal.

Apparently the institution is investigating what allegedly took place at Gill Tract Community Farm; William Trachman, general counsel for the complaining legal foundation, labeled the situation as “systemic racism” akin to the “segregation” past of American history.



As a white person, do I get reparations now too for this obvious injustice, even though I didn’t experience the suffering directly? What about my children? My future grandchildren?

Funny enough, in an effort to ostensibly rectify the wrongs of yesteryear, the “progressive” left, with their special brand of stupid, finds itself (allegedly) guilty of the same crime—only this time, it’s doubly bad! Because, here’s another way to look at the alleged policy: while BIPOCs (Black, Indigenous, and other People Of Color) work all available hours laboring in the community farm, whites get the day off, yet still enjoy the full benefits of the harvest the rest of the days of the week.

Did they just make a “coloreds” only work day? What is this, a tobacco farm?

I mean, “people of color” sure sounds a lot like “colored people” and could “community farm” also be known as…  a micro-plantation? If we put it all together, what do we get? Blacks slaving away in the soil, sowing and reaping, sweating under the hot sun… while the whites are nowhere to be found, because they’re off enjoying their Saturday.

Yikes—not the best optics, if you ask me.

The anti-white initiative wasn’t really the PR stunt it was supposed to be; will these people ever learn? Instead of all these complicated “equity” policies that only beget inequity, there’s one simple rule that is really easy to remember, and it yields the most justice for people of all skin colors:

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Josiah Wedgwood (1730-1795) and either William Hackwood or Henry Webber; Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Image: Public domain.

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