TX’s Jasmine Crockett floats idea of ‘no taxes’ for blacks as form of ‘reparations’

If you’re a functioning and contributive member of society, well then you ain’t black!

At least that’s what Democrat Jasmine Crockett, a federal representative from Texas, seems to think. During a recent interview, Crockett floated the idea of eliminating taxes for black Americans as a form of reparations. (For another AT essay with a different take, see here.)

Here’s the clip:



It’s not exactly clear to me what “taxes” Crockett is talking about, but since she does cite “brackets” and references “struggling” blacks who “aren’t really paying taxes in the first place,” I assume she’s speaking to income taxes—but then again, she is one of the least intelligent people to ever make it to Congress, so it’s not necessarily safe to assume her train of thought is all that logical.

Regardless, the crux of the matter is this: Democrat party politicians have such low expectations for everyday black Americans, which just goes to show you how low the former’s opinion is of the latter. Blacks can’t be successful unless they get handouts from the government? They can’t achieve what other Americans can unless they get special tax exemptions that others don’t?

A lot of conservatives latched onto the part of Crockett’s statement in which she acknowledged that many “struggling” blacks aren’t even paying taxes, and naturally the response is that if these people are to be exempt from taxes then they ought to be exempt from any programs using tax dollars. Agreed. Better yet though, let’s just eliminate those programs altogether, then no non-blacks can be at the taxpayer trough either (totally fair), for two reasons: these anti-poverty programs only perpetuate poverty, and the burden of charity falls on the American church, not the taxpayer.

Big government schemes are exactly why blacks largely hover around the bottom of the socio-economic status ladder: welfare is modern slavery and its incentivization of single-motherhood, abortion, etc. are the greatest causes of black poverty today. Intact families are one of the greatest markers of generational wealth, and the anti-black Democrats know it.

Crockett also suggests that eliminating taxes as a form of reparations “may not be as objectionable to some people…[as] actually giving out dollars.” CORRECT. Because, extorting wealth from someone who earned it, and then handing it over to someone who didn’t is theft, which is one of the most egregious violations of a person’s unalienable rights (contrary to what Crockett may think, plenty of blacks face the same IRS extortion as non-blacks). And, it’s a whole lot different than allowing someone to keep the fruits of their labor, which is exactly what a tax-elimination policy would be.

Now, Crockett says that we need to be very “thoughtful” about considering more reparations policies, especially the elimination of taxation for the blacks, but let me just say, I’ve thought about a world in which taxes were constitutional and apportioned (a lot), so no need for exhaustive and expensive studies or wasted brain power at think tanks, because it’s really simple and I’ll lay it all out below:

Crockett’s plan is a great start, because she’s totally right: eliminating taxes, but specifically the federal income tax, does mean more money in the pockets of the people, but this plan must be universally applied to all Americans, regardless of color. And, Crockett shouldn’t have a problem with that whatsoever, because a rising tide lifts all boats, and more money in everyone’s pockets means more money spent at “black-owned businesses,” and more money also means more small business, which then equates to more jobs for unemployed blacks only getting by on welfare.

And, no federal income tax means… less government; less government undoubtedly means greater prosperity for all. Even if certain “struggling” blacks are not held to a federal income tax, they are still paying property taxes, through home ownership or as tenants. They pay cigarette taxes, at least until Biden took away their menthols. They pay vehicle licensing taxes, and gasoline taxes. They pay liquor taxes and utility taxes, and they pay taxes to start businesses. And aside from all of that, inflation is, as great black American Thomas Sowell said, “a quiet but effective way for the government to transfer resources from the people to itself, without raising taxes.” More government spending, with a dollar we are all using (black and white alike), makes us all (black and white alike) poorer, and poorer.

What say you Ms. Crockett? Can we get you to run a bill to abolish the IRS, and the Federal Reserve (that would be the best form of reparations), and can we count on you to lobby your colleagues for their votes?

X video screen grab

Image from X.

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