The term ‘genocide’ was created to categorize the crime of the Holocaust — now it’s being invoked against the Jews

On Saturday, The American Spectator published an essay by Schmuel Klatzkin titled “A Political Movement Upends the Word ‘Genocide’” in which Klatzkin noted this: “In Biden’s America, those who practice genocide are to be spared, those who fight it are demonized.”

As you can guess, Klatzkin’s commentary was in reference to the left’s attitude toward Israel, ramped up in animosity since the nation has been waging a military campaign against Hamas in Gaza in response to October 7th—of course, like all things left, it’s Orwellian.

“Genocide” is when Israel takes responsive action to protect itself from terrorists and countries that want to wipe Jews off the map, but not when terrorists slaughter an entire group of people because of their shared immutable traits and cultural bonds?

It’s even stranger when you consider that “genocide” was a term originally conceived to categorize the crime of the Holocaust; per Klatzkin:

A Polish Jew, Raphael Lemkin, who had escaped the horror and had made it to still-neutral America … realized the importance of having a name for this nameless crime and he generated it from the Greek root genos, which can mean when applied to humans a large identifiable grouping of humans, like a tribe or race, and the Latin cide, meaning killing, as in homicide or pesticide. The new word: genocide.

The word ‘genocide’ was created to allow us to speak directly about the crime that the Holocaust instantiated.

But this is just what the left does, particularly the media and the other Democrats—they pervert language to mislead Americans and cover over truth.

The Affordable Care Act made health insurance unaffordable.

The Inflation Reduction Act had nothing to do with reducing inflation, and everything to do with giving kickbacks to green pushers, which drastically devalued the dollar and ramped up the cost of everything.

Reproductive choice has nothing to do with getting pregnant or not getting pregnant, and everything to do with killing babies. The proper term is pro-abortion.

A peaceful protest is when leftists destroy cities and kill and maim people.

An insurrection is when unarmed people protest a suspicious election, and Capitol police usher those people into the Capitol building, and some of these protesters (Feds?) get out of control.

Election deniers are Republicans who challenge questionable elections; if Democrats do the same, it’s because they’re trying to protect democracy.

Climate change deniers do not deny that the climate changes, they just disagree with the radical leftist agenda to destroy America.

Progressives are people who want to move the country backwards.

People who want little girls and little boys to develop as God intended hate “trans” kids, and people who want to sexually mutilate these children are “protecting” them.

Secure borders for Democrats is when you leave the floodgates open.

“Best economy ever” is when grocery store prices are up over 40% in just a few years, there is historic national debt, and Americans are barely surviving by maxing out their credit cards.

As Klatzkin wrote, “In Biden’s America, war is peace.” The choice in November has never been easier: vote for the Orwellian state, or freedom, prosperity, and truth.

Image: Free image via Pexels.

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