UPDATED: The Dexter Taylor Case: a black man follows the law (but thinks for himself) and suffers the wrath of the Democrat left

UPDATE: I neglected to include Taylor’s crowdfunding campaign for legal fees, which can be found here.

The prosecutors and judges in New York are utterly unhinged, an overly-obvious reality evidenced by the onslaught of lawfare against President Trump (in an election year no less) emanating from the state; but it’s not just Alvin Bragg, Arthur Engoron, and Letitia “Peekaboo” James using their offices and the courts to wage persecutory campaigns of political vendettas against those who don’t toe the establishment line, but Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez and Judge Abena Darkeh, too.

Aside from Mr. Trump, a bright and accomplished man named Dexter Taylor might be the second-most unfairly persecuted person currently fighting off bogus charges in the “justice” system. So what did Taylor do? Well, here’s a little background:

Taylor immigrated to the United States with his parents when he was just a young boy, and the family settled in the Bushwick neighborhood of Brooklyn. At age 16, Taylor won a “gold medal” for biology from a national organization; he then earned admission into Johns Hopkins University before he dropped out and taught himself to code, becoming a successful software engineer. But…he’s also a gunsmithing hobbyist…and black…and conservative.

In 2022, Taylor was arrested during a SWAT raid as ATF and NYPD executed a search warrant, all because he’d been legally purchasing unfinished firearms components and legally building his own guns; last week Taylor was convicted by a New York jury on 13 weapons charges (he was originally hit with a 37-count indictment). According to Taylor’s lawyer, while Gonzalez’s prosecutors argued that Taylor’s collection was an “arsenal” of weapons—it was actually a mere handful—Darkeh scolded Taylor’s defense attorney for suggesting that the right to keep and bear arms is relevant to the case; from RedState:

‘Do not bring the Second Amendment into this courtroom. It doesn’t exist here. So you can’t argue Second Amendment. This is New York.

Now, even if Taylor’s property were an “arsenal,” that’s still none of the government’s business, but I’d like to know how many firearms the black boots who kicked in Taylor’s door showed up with? Because I think it’s safe to assume they actually came with an arsenal, and it was no doubt more than the 13-ish guns owned by Taylor. Furthermore, not only would they have stormed in with an arsenal, but an army too. Who’s the real threat to the safety of the private citizen?

The case is nothing more than prosecutorial activism—exactly what Trump is enduring. “Ghost guns” are an obstacle to the agenda, so instead of following the legal framework of the nation and leaving laws to the lawmakers, they usher in their tyranny through agency “rules” and judicial decisions.

Armed minorities are harder to oppress, no wonder Taylor is so hated by the Democrat left.

How dare Trump work to drain the swamp, and fight for the deplorable class of taxpaying Americans who love their country, right? Well, how dare Taylor follow the law and exercise his God-given rights, all while being black and conservative.

How many times have Democrats condescendingly demanded loyalty from the black voters?

“If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black!” (Joe Biden’s infamous words.) What about Chelsea Handler having to “remind” her black boyfriend of his place, which is of course below the white progressive Democrat, when he openly supported Donald Trump?

Taylor has a clean criminal record, passed a federal background check to legally own guns, and is in good-standing with a local rifle and pistol range—but Darkeh is a Bill de Blasio hire, and while she’s routinely released suspects accused of violent crimes illegally using firearms, she’s decided to lock Taylor up in Rikers Island until she sentences him next month. This should teach the black man to learn his place as a footstool and slave to the Democrat party and its agenda—maybe he’ll think twice about flaunting his emancipation after he’s spent a decade or two behind bars, right?

I’m sorry, but how many criminals are allowed to run rampant in New York? But lawfully tinkering with guns in your own home is the hard line in the sand that can’t be crossed? It’s truly obscene.

As bogus as the cases against Trump are, so is that of Taylor—Taylor is guilty like Trump is guilty—they’re both guilty of getting on the wrong side of the Democrat ruling class.

Yet, we’re experiencing a sea change in the political landscape: black Americans, even the not-so-conservative ones, are abandoning the Democrat party en masse, and finding themselves in support of President Trump. They see a man suffering the wrath of a system keen to destroy him, and in this, they see themselves—or sometimes, as in Taylor’s case, they are the target too.

YouTube video screen grab

Image: YouTube video screen grab.

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