Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., reveals the passionate, fact-free anti-Trump energy in the media
I would never vote for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., because he’s a leftist. He’s been right about the vaccinations, and he certainly gets credit for sticking to his guns on that one, but his leftist bona fides, including a once-expressed desire to lock up “climate deniers,” are both old and deep. However, RFK has been on an anti-Democrat truth-telling binge lately, probably because the Democrat party used illicit means to prevent him from competing in the primaries.
In this case, his truth-telling takes the form of pushing back against the Democrat narrative that Trump is an insurrectionist who sought to corrupt the 2020 election. He appeared on Dave Rubin’s Rubin Report for an interview, during the course of which he described how CNN’s Erin Burnett couldn’t cope with his telling her that Trump did nothing illegal during and after the 2020 election…but that Biden has been engaging in unconstitutional censorship during the 2024 election cycle:
RFK Jr. Says Erin Burnett’s Brain Stopped Working When He Made Stunning Argument Against Biden on CNN
— The Vigilant Fox 🦊 (@VigilantFox) April 11, 2024
“She had this kind of astonished look—her brain stopped working.”
Kennedy says, “There’s no court that’s found that President Trump tried to steal the election or tried to…
RJK, Jr., is absolutely correct. The media narrative bears no relationship to the reality of who Trump is, what he’s said, or what he’s done.
Most recently, the narrative is that Trump is threatening a “bloodbath” and, indeed, the New York Times is working hard to promulgate that belief. On April 6, Maureen Dowd dredged up from the fever swamp of her brain the charge that Trump is literally drenched in blood, even going so far as to quote Macbeth to make her point. No wonder she or her editors titled the essay “Donald Trump’s Insatiable Bloodlust.”
Just four days later, the NY Times ran Caroline Frederickson’s opinion piece entitled “What Worries Me Most About Trump Presidency.” And guess what worries her most? That bloodbath.
Never mind that the charge has been shown to be utterly false. Trump used the term in its normal American sense of an economic disaster. For Democrats, there will be blood.
In the same way, George Snuffleupagus called Trump a “rapist.” To her credit, Nancy Mace pushed back against this calumny, which in a normal time and place would be actionable.
And of course, for years we’ve been hearing the “fine people” hoax, which alleges that Trump supports the KKK as well as the “grab ‘em by the p***y” hoax (Trump was speaking hypothetically about avaricious women and rich men), and the Russia collusion hoax.
The list of hoaxes is endless. But what RFK, Jr., has revealed is that media talking heads believe them. If Burnett knew (as she should) that the narrative she’s pushing is unrelated to the facts, her eyes wouldn’t have bugged out of her head as they did.
Obama and his Democrat cronies (Marc Elias and others) may be cynical, but many in the media are talking heads who are true believers. They will say anything to support the Democrat Church, which is fine with Satan (he was just misunderstood) but has made Trump the embodiment of all that is evil.
Image: X screen grab (cropped).