Radical leftists vow to disrupt the Democrat convention in Chicago -report

Democrats must be puzzled.

After spending the last four years demonizing MAGA as domestic terrorists and anti-democratic to boot, they're now surrounded by real domestic terrorists and democracy haters, coming at them like the Wicked Witch of the West's flying monkeys.

According to the Free Press:

CHICAGO — In a room full of 450 far-left activists, a leader with the Freedom Road Socialist Organization kicks off a chant: “Protest is a right—not just for the rich and white.”

“Have you heard that the Democratic National Convention is coming to Chicago?” Joe Iosbaker asks the crowd. “Are we going to let ’em come here without a protest? This is Chicago, goddamn it—we’ve got to give them a 1968 kind of welcome.”

In 1968, the Democratic Convention in Chicago was a bloodbath, with 600 arrests in one street battle that was broadcast all over the world. And the group that met here last Saturday, in the local headquarters of the Teamsters Union, wants to repeat history when Joe Biden is named the presidential nominee at the DNC this August. They oppose the president they call “Genocide Joe” for backing Israel in its war against Hamas.

The radicals, from an old pro-Mao far-left organization that's been around for about 40 years in places like San Francisco, and always on the irrelevant fringe, are feeling their oats these days, much as the old Democratic Socialists of America got a new battery with the dawn of the Biden era.

FRSO views the violence and rioting last seen in Chicago in 1968 as a good thing, the heralding dawn of a glorious new revolution.  August's convention where dotardly old Joe Biden is trotted out as the champion of democracy is the perfect occasion for mayhem. The rest of us see something not to vote for.

The mess and the violence of 1968 left Chicago a shambles for years, and the city took decades to recover.

Well, now the crazies are back, getting ready to wreck Chicago a second time this August 19. Odds are good they will succeed, too, given the fecklessness of the blue city government led by clueless leftist Brandon Johnson, which the Free Press article notes. Johnson won't have any idea how to handle them, it won't be with any resolution, so they will run circles around him and create a lot of problems, outright upstaging the convention if it gets bad enough.

Johnson can get ready to become the next mayor of Portland or Seattle in terms of results, reviled for his failures and unrepentant for his weakness, no matter how many times the radicals hit him.

The question that must puzzle many is why they're targeting the Democrats and not the Republicans in their planned convention mayhem. Republicans, after all, are less sympathetic to the Palestinian terrorists than even the Democrats. But here the radicals come, getting ready to foul the Democrats' nest as their civic duty and repel the public, which will be bad for their electoral prospects.

What they are trying to do is push the Democrats leftward, even farther left than they already are. They did this in 1968 and 1972, and the Democrats went along with it, and now they see their chance again as unfolding. They radicals see the weakness and are using it to bring the rotting edifice down.

They'll probably do it, and they'll probably get away with it, and Democrats these days won't denounce them, they'll just try to appease them, which won't work, and then change the subject.

Obviously, weakness is provocative for the Democrats and now they've got a major problem with democracy-haters surrounding them, and it's not named MAGA.

All those years, pointing at MAGA as the "real" danger to democracy and now they've got a real one. Couldn't happen to a better bunch of liars.

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