Muslim women forced to remove their hijabs for mugshots score a $17.5 million win from NYC taxpayers
The Sharia colonization of the West continues.
According to a report out by Michael Dorgan and published by Fox News, the New York City government has agreed to a “preliminary financial settlement” of $17.5 million to settle a class action lawsuit brought against the city in 2018 by Jamilla Clark and Arwa Aziz, two Muslim women who were forced to remove their hijabs in order to get their mugshots taken after they were arrested for allegedly violating orders of protection (restraining orders). Now, also per Dorgan, the agreement still has to be approved by a district judge, but this is Manhattan so….
The settlement, should it go through, will make eligible “more than 3,600 people” for payouts, ranging between $7,824 and $13,125, with Clark and Aziz taking home $35k each.
As reported by Dorgan:
In response to the lawsuit, New York’s police department agreed in 2020 to let men and women wear head coverings during mugshots, so long as their faces could be seen.
‘This settlement resulted in a positive reform for the NYPD,’ said Nicholas Paolucci, a spokesman for the city’s law department. ‘The agreement carefully balances the department’s respect for firmly held religious beliefs with the important law enforcement need to take arrest photos.’
The New York City government claims to have a “respect for firmly held religious beliefs”? What about all those Christian Americans during the “pandemic” barred from worship services, forbidden from attending church functions, and fined and arrested if they violated the decrees?
What about the people whose genuine religious convictions preclude them from participating in experimental pharmaceutical pokes, who were coerced into participation to keep their jobs and provide for their families?
So the leftist government of New York City has no problem violating the rights of private citizens not under arrest, and not being booked on criminal charges, demanding and coercing the injection of experimental pharmaceuticals, or infringing on the “free exercise of religion” when it’s Jews or Christians, but when it’s Muslims?
As the lawyer for Clark and Aziz said, the settlement “sends a powerful message that the NYPD can’t violate New Yorkers’ First Amendment rights without paying a price.”
Well, first off, it can, because neither the NYPD nor the city government pays the price for being wrong—the taxpayer does. Secondly though, the First Amendment is not a “religious” free-for-all, but a restriction placed upon the federal government that prohibits the state from infringing on the “free exercise” of religion; Clark and Aziz are free to don the hijab, but at the point they allegedly violate a restraining order, even if they disagree with its legitimacy, they are existing under limited freedoms.
What happens when a Muslim woman wearing a niqab or a burka makes the same claim? If it’s a violation of religious freedoms to require hijab-wearers to take a normal mug shot, then doesn’t the same apply to the more “devout” Muslims wearing niqabs or burkas? Sure, you can’t see their faces, but what difference does that make if there’s something as sacred as the “free exercise” of religion hanging in the balance?
The Islamization of the West appears imminent.
Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.