Is Joe Biden a sitting duck? Biden should be more concerned than anyone about the precedent the Trump trials are setting

With news about the White House's collusion with prosecutors in the slew of trials thrown at President Trump as he campaigns for re-election, it's natural to think that Joe Biden and his mentor, Barack Obama, are mainly interested in knocking him out of the race before anyone can get a chance to vote for him.

Obama, after all, got his start in politics by doing just that. No one can say that Obama doesn't know the Chicago Way.

But while this activity is natural for Obama, Joe Biden looks more like a sitting duck, an unwitting boob, a goose, slowly being fattened for the Christmas dinner.

Alex Berenson's essay about the bad precedent these trials set drew me to this idea. He wrote:

And so the world - at least that part of the world that’s paid any attention to the charges underlying the case - will be confronted with the spectacle of the leading opposition candidate for President being hamstrung and hauled into court twice by prosecutors affiliated with the ruling party in cases that - at the least - stink of selective prosecution.

If this isn’t lawfare, I don’t know what is

He outlines the absurdity of the case, a ledger error within Trump's own personal notes is at the crux of the case, and a claimed underlying crime of trying to influence his own election, which is absurd. On that, he notes that the so-called crime happened in 2017, which was after he was already elected president.

The whole kangaroo case would be laughable if it didn't involve jailtime for Trump if he is convicted by a Democrat judge and jury, meaning, they could knock him out of the race to do their version of kangaroo "justice" as appeals go on.

It's lawfare, as Berenson noted, more powerful than the votes of the electorate and if it works, sets an ominous precedent for all presidents or those seeking the White House.

Here's the thing, though: Joe Biden would not be immune from such lawfare, not just from Republicans and all-red state governments, a few of which are out there, but from his own people.

Because the ongoing narrative in the Democrat party these days are that Democrat voters should just hold their noses and vote for Joe Biden for re-election, because they'll find a way to get rid of the senile old dotard afterward. They want the White House now, though, to hold onto the seat of power.

Were the move against Trump to succeed and Biden somehow got re-elected, the stage would be set for the next attack on a president, and Democrats are most likely to target Joe. They'll find and pin something on him, and after that take him out from the presidency. Biden is unpopular, even among Democrats, with few allies, and no enthusiasm among Democrat voters, all he has going for him is his adherence to the Democrat party line, and well, any Democrat could take his place.

So the reports of plans to get rid of Joe next, taking Kamala Harris out first on some tax or campaign finance charge, and replacing her with someone more to the establishment's liking, and then taking out Joe politically is definitely something that could happen. That's if she is not involved, too, and don't bet on that. Harris herself has asked about the applicability of the 25th Amendment for removing an incapacitated president, so she, too, could be in on the palace coup among the blue party elites.

That's bad news for Joe Biden, because with precedent set, he's almost certain to be next.

Careful what you wish for in that rigged prosecution you've got there against President Trump, Joe.

Biden should be more nervous about a Trump conviction than a Trump acquittal, given the lawfare banquet he's laid out. He'll be next.

Image: Pexels / Pexels License

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